Space time gravity

    • [DOC File]Beyond Einstein Lesson - NASA

      - Gravity arises as a consequence of space and time being curved by the presence of matter, like a rubber sheet and bowling ball analogy (Bowling ball is matter, rubber sheet is space-time, indentation, as a result of matter, is force of gravity. - Looping is a result of computations that shows that there are small loops marked out in space-time.

      gravity space time curvature

    • [DOC File]Spacetime: The Minkowski Spacetime Diagram Extended

      Wheeler coined the term "geometrodynamics" to describe this: the dynamics of objects subject to gravity is determined by the geometry of 4-dimensional space-time. What geometrodynamics actually specifies is the family of geodesics -- the shortest 4-dimensional distances between 2 points in space-time …

      space time gravity theoretical connection

    • [DOC File]Gravity_2.doc - StealthSkater

      Estimated class time: 3 to 5 days depending on whether the curved space model is done as a demonstration and how much time is spent on research. Summary. Students will read the 1919 …

      cause of gravity

    • Understanding gravity—warps and ripples in space and time ...

      Space-time still has a dynamic aspect that looks curved but this is not the cause of gravity. The force of gravity can be considered the result of matter having an intrinsic minimum velocity V0. This velocity is moving back and forth in space-time and does not propagate in space.

      theory of space time

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