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Infinitive of purpose: to + verb; Expressing function: for + verb + -ing

1 Scegli l’alternativa corretta per completare le frasi.

I’m doing a weekend job for getting/to get some money because I want a new phone.

1 Dad went into town for buying/to buy an external hard drive.

2 This memory stick is for saving/to save my History project.

3 The box next to the TV is for watching/to watch online films.

4 Tom phoned for apologising/to apologise for breaking Rachel’s keyboard.

5 Click here for uploading/to upload your homework onto the class website.

6 I use a password for stopping/to stop other people from using my laptop.

2 Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi.

Matt Do you like your new tablet computer?

Kobe Yes, I do. I originally bought it to chat (chat) to friends and send emails, but now I use it 1 (do) lots of other things, too. It’s very fast, so it’s great

2 (play) online games. And it’s got a special pen 3 (write) things on the touch screen.

Matt Has it got an app 4 (find) places with free Wi-Fi near you?

Kobe Yes, it has. I really need that 5 (go) on the Internet when I’m away from home.

Matt What other apps do you use a lot?

Kobe This app here is 6 (download) movies and music. You have to pay

7 (buy) them, but they aren’t very expensive. I like this other app, too. It’s an interactive map 8 (get) to places. You touch the map on the screen 9 (tell) the app where you want to go, and it shows you how to get there.

Matt Look, it’s got an alarm clock app, too. Why don’t you use that 10 (wake up) in the morning? You’re always late for school!

3 Combina le due frasi. Non cambiare la prima e riscrivi la seconda usando to + forma base o for + -ing.

This pen is great. You can draw with it.

This pen is great for drawing.

1 I’m sending an email. I want to invite Claire to the party.

2 This is a new machine. It can print 3D objects.

3 I need to use the phone. I want to call Mike.

4 The Roomba is an amazing robot. It can clean your house.

5 Megan’s going shopping. She wants to get a present for her mum.

6 This is a new app. You use it to find free Wi-Fi.

Present simple passive, Past simple passive; by

4 Scrivi frasi con la forma corretta del Present simple o Past simple passive.

the building/open/last week (past)

The building was opened last week.

1 Her books/aren’t read/by many people (present)

2 this computer/buy/for me by my grandma (past)

3 hundreds of films/make/every year in Hollywood (present)

4 this photo/not take/on holiday in Italy (past)

5 a lot of research/do/at this university (present)

6 some money/steal/from a shop today (past)

5 Completa i mini-dialoghi con la forma corretta del Present simple o Past simple passive e risposte brevi.

1 A Is Pop Star shown (Pop Star/show) on American TV?

B Yes, , and it’s popular, too. Last year’s final (watch) by millions of people.

2 A (Spanish/speak) in Brazil?

B No, . They speak Portuguese, but Brazilians (teach) Spanish at school.

3 A (you/tell) about Jake’s party last Friday?

B No, . Nobody in our class


4 A (all JaeSung phones/produce) in this factory?

B Yes, these days, but in the past they (not make) here because it was only a small company then. This big factory (build) in 2010.

6 Usa le parole date per scrivere un breve brano sullo sviluppo dei computer. Usa la forma corretta del Present simple o Past simple passive.


The first computers were invented in Germany, Britain and the USA.


Computers, the Internet and technology

7 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi relativi al computer.


Always back up your files, because computers sometimes get viruses.

1 I never of Facebook – I keep it open on my phone all the time.

2 We have to out our homework because the teacher wants a paper copy.

3 I can’t use my mobile phone because I need to

the battery.

4 My cousin writes very fast with a keyboard because she can with all ten of her fingers.

5 a copy of your project on a memory stick and give it to the teacher.

6 I’ll my holiday photos onto my holiday blog, so you can all see them.

7 No, don’t that picture from my computer! I like it.

8 You should this paragraph from here and paste it in below.

8 Trova altre 7 parole relative al computer nel cercaparole. Sono tutte orizzontali o verticali.


Design and innovation

9 Scegli l’alternativa corretta per completare le frasi.

One day somebody will invent/brand a computer with thoughts and feelings, but it hasn’t happened yet.

1 My brother is a scientist. He does important research/development into global warming and climate change.

2 I have to be good at drawing on a computer because I design/plan posters.

3 This new shop sells lots of big clothing patents/brands.

4 They manufacture/develop 200 cars a day in that factory.

5 We want to plan/manufacture a trip to the Design and Technology Museum.

6 We need to invent/produce some leaflets to advertise the school play.

7 Touch screens were an important development/research in computer technology.

8 That’s an amazing invention! You must plan/patent it before someone else does!


• the first computers/invent/in Germany, Britain and the USA

• they/not make/in big factories, like today

• one of the earliest/original machines/keep/in this museum

• it/build/in 1934

• these days/it not/show/to visitors/very often

• in the past/computers/operate/by scientists

• they/not/use by ordinary people then

• today/millions of computers/buy/by people like you and I

• the history of computers/explain/in our museum guide

save log out cut upload delete type charge print back up


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Class: _______________

Date: _______________


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