Bloom’s Taxonomy, Skill Levels, and Learning Objectives

Bloom’s Taxonomy, Skill Levels, and Learning Objectives

© 2003. Centre for Teaching and Learning: Georgian College.


|Low level |Knowledge |Define |Distinguish |Inquire |Label |

|skills |Recall of data or information.|Match |Identify |List |Record |

| | |Memorize |Name |Recall |Repeat |

| | |Recognize |Select |Relate | |

| |Knowledge Examples |

| |* Define terms identified in the glossary for this course from memory |

| |* Identify the levels and domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy |

| |Comprehension |Generalize |Comment |Describe |Discuss |

| |Demonstrate understanding of |Give examples |Demonstrate |Paraphrase |Illustrate |

| |info, ideas, or things. |Predict |Explain |Report |Infer |

| | |Rearrange |Restate |Review |Interpret |

| | |Translate |Transform |Summarize |Locate |

| |Comprehension Examples |

| |* Give examples of the psychological principles discussed in this course * Explain the project management |

| |process as taught in this course |

|Mid level |Application |Apply |Classify |Operate |Demonstrate |

|skills |Use info, ideas, or things in |Organize |Select |Calculate |Illustrate Practice |

| |a new situation. |Restructure |Dramatize |Generalize |Transfer |

| | |Solve |Sketch |Use | |

| |Application Examples |

| |* Prepare financial statements, given relevant data * Perform the operations taught in this course accurately, |

| |while being observed |

| |Analysis |Distinguish |Classify |Inspect |Subdivide |

| |Examine smaller aspects of |Discriminate |Analyze |Debate |Experiment |

| |info, ideas, or things. |Compare |Categorize |Inventory |Test |

| | |Deduce |Diagram |Question |Contrast |

| | |Differentiate |Describe |Examine |Troubleshoot |

| |Analysis Examples |

| |* Troubleshoot the system learned in this course to determine where the problem is * Examine your workplace and |

| |classify various examples of communication problems |

|High level |Synthesis |Design |Adapt |Implement |Modify |

|skills |Bring various info, ideas, or |Plan |Argue |Defend |Recommend |

| |things together cohesively. |Solve |Change |Inspect |Debate |

| | |Produce |Construct |Propose |Compile |

| | |Integrate |Blend |Incorporate |Combine |

| | |Merge |Coordinate |Consolidate |Reconcile |

| |Synthesis Examples |

| |* Compile a manual for front line personnel based on the principles of this course * Recommend a design |

| |Evaluation |Judge |Weigh options |Compare |Propose |

| |Make supported judgments about|Consider |Criticize |Value |Measure |

| |info, ideas, or things. |Conclude |Appraise |Assess |Score |

| | |Evaluate |Rate |Revise |Select |

| |Evaluation Examples |

| |* Propose corrective strategies based on the information gathered |

| |* Assess a business plan using the principles learned in the course |


|Low level skills |Imitation Copy some observed act or skill requiring |Arrange |Trace |Move |

| |neuro-muscular coordination. |Duplicate |Point to |Repeat |

| | |Locate |Copy | |

| |Imitation Example |

| |* Repeat the steps involved in object assembly |

| |Manipulation |Complete |Duplicate |Move |

| |Perform a psychomotor skill following directions. |Identify |Execute | |

| | |Assemble |Adjust | |

| |Manipulation Example |

| |* Adjust all the equipment settings for maximum performance |

|Mid level skills |Precision |Assemble |Grind |Mix |

| |Control skill in order to reduce errors and improve accuracy|Calibrate |Cut |Fix |

| |and exactness. |Construct |Measure | |

| |Precision Example |

| |* Type 30 words a minute consistently |

|High level skills |Articulation |

| |Coordinate a series of psychomotor skills maintaining accuracy and control |

| |Naturalization |

| |Perform skill automatically, naturally, and spontaneously |


|Low level |Receiving |Accept |Select |Tolerate |

|skills |Willingness to receive, listen to, and think |Listen |Describe |View |

| |about certain affective behaviours |Identify |Respond |Acknowledge |

| |Receiving Example |

| |* Listen respectfully to the ideas expressed by a colleague |

| |Responding |Approve |Comply |Accept responsibility |

| |Willingness to actively participate in or discuss|Answer |Discuss |for |

| |the affective behaviour |Practice |Reflect |Ask |

| |Responding Example |

| |* Ask questions to understand beliefs |

|Mid level |Valuing |Demonstrate |Share |Assume responsibility |

|skills |Recognizes the value of a certain behaviour and |Differentiate |Support |for |

| |demonstrates it on a consistent basis. |Initiate |Invite |Associate with |

| | |Justify |Choose | |

| |Valuing Examples |

| |* Share examples of decisions made that supported collaboration |

| |Organizing |Formulate |Define |Identify with |

| |Brings together complex and disparate values and |Defend |Alter |Adhere to |

| |seeks to resolve conflicts |Abstract |Relate |Integrate |

| |Organizing Example |

| |* Defend a leadership decision in terms of the company’s values and beliefs |

|High level |Characterization |Discriminate |Vote |Exemplify |

|skills |Values characterize behaviour over a long period |Behave |Qualify |Defend |

| |of time, becoming part of the person’s character.|Serve |Verify |Articulate a philosophy|

| | |Complete |Practice |of |

| |Characterization Example |

| |* Gain a reputation as a teacher that engages students and demands excellence |


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