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Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies: (Case study assignment)

Scenario #1

Zack was always in a rush to get to school and then to his after school job at McDonald’s. His lunch hours were always spent completing homework so he rarely had time to eat during the school day. His breakfast consisted of cereal or toast with the occasional cup of coffee. He didn’t eat lunch, but had fast food on his break at work. He noticed recently at his last dentist appointment that he had a couple of new cavities and bleeding gums. One evening he burned himself at work and it took much longer than usual to heal. He has also been feeling tired, weak, and irritable.

What condition might Zack have? What should Zack do?

Scenario #2

When Taylor was a young child she always breaking bones unexpectedly. While she led a fairly active life she preferred the candy energy rush to a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables. She didn’t like to drink milk but enjoyed orange pop to drink. Occasionally she found it painful to walk even after her bones had healed. After her mother took her to the doctor, they both became worried about Taylor’s weight loss and bowed legs from ex-rays. They also worried about her teeth. She had been playing indoors a lot and not really going outside at all.

What childhood condition could Taylor have? What causes it? What can be done?

Scenario #3

Marcus was driving home one evening after dark and he realized he was having difficulty seeing the road. His eyes were itchy and dry. When he finally got home he ate a dinner consisting of waffles and orange juice. The next day he wasn’t feeling very well. He felt like he had a nasty cold or infection.

What vitamin deficiency might he have? What can he do about it?

Scenario #4

Alli was always working night shifts and sleeping days. This was the unfortunate hours of her job as a flight attendant. She was always tired and the jet-leg didn’t help either. The meals were often airplane food when she wasn’t tending to passengers. She was also a vegetarian. Lately she had been unable to concentrate. She occasionally had insomnia which she figured was due to the difficult hours and jet-leg. When she got home from her latest trip her back was sore and she had a headache. She could barely remember the country from which her latest flight had returned.

What vitamin deficiency might she have? What can she do about it?

Scenario #5

Christine hadn’t been eating her green leafy vegetables. Lately she noticed that she felt tired and itchy. She had been eating a lot of fatty foods. When she was reading one day in school she noticed she had to strain her eyes to see the page. She thought she would sit closer to the light to help see the page but discovered here eyes were quite sensitive to the light.

What vitamin deficiency might she have? What can be done to prevent it?

Scenario #6

Chantel had discovered that she was feeling week and tired. She thought it was because of the stressful week at work, but was starting to think there might be something wrong with her health. She had been eating lots of fruit but no vegetables. She didn’t like bread or meat of any kind. When she went to give blood at the local Red Cross they refused her saying she should consider seeing doctor/nutritionist or eating more vegetables, liver, cereals, breads, and nuts.

What mineral deficiency might she have? What condition do many women get as a result of this deficiency?

Scenario #7

As a young child Michael hated drinking water, he preferred pop. He complained of a sore tooth so his mother took him to the dentist. It was discovered he had rapid tooth decay which his dentist said needed to be addressed for his adult teeth to develop properly.

What mineral deficiency might he have? What can be done?

Scenario #8

Terrance had poor teeth and always seemed to be breaking bones. One day when he fell and scraped a knee, he noticed it took a long time for his blood to clot. He reflexes were also not as quick as they use to be. The doctors were worried he might be developing osteoporosis.

What mineral deficiency might he have and what can be done about it?


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