Progress Monitoring Tool for Comprehension:

Progress Monitoring Tool for Comprehension:

The following “DRA2 short forms” can be used along with a running record on any leveled text to monitor students’ comprehension. Be sure you do the running record on at least a 100 word section of the book. You may choose to have the student read the rest of the book silently.

Carefully choose the book which you give the student to read. Different publishers have varying degrees of reliability when it comes to leveling their books. In general, Rigby books are very reliable and their levels can usually be trusted. When possible, use their books for progress monitoring with running records and the DRA2 short form.

Mark the DRA2 short form as you would the DRA2 continuum. The form can be printed front to back, with the back being used for the Running Record. The oral reading can be analyzed at the bottom for areas needing intervention, and the comprehension section can be used to determine areas of need for each student’s comprehension interventions. When using the form for progress monitoring of interventions in specific areas (i.e. “retelling: sequence of events”), note progress in that area of the continuum. As the student improves and becomes independent at a certain level book you should continue the interventions with higher level text until the student is working within the targeted range for his grade level.

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|DRA2 (level 4-16) Level: ____________ Book:_______________________ |

|Instructional or Independent –(circle after scoring) |

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|Comprehension |Intervention |Instructional |Independent |Advanced |

| |1 Comments briefly about |2 Identifies and comments|3 Identifies and connects at |4 Identifies and |

|Prediction |each event or action only |briefly about each event |least 3 key events without |connects at least 4 key |

| |when prompted or is |or action with some |prompting; some relevant |events without prompting; |

| |uncertain |prompting |vocabulary |relevant vocabulary |

|Teacher says: Look at the pictures, and tell me what you think is happening in the story. |

|Student says: |

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| |1 includes only 1 or 2 |2 includes at least 3 |3 includes most of the |4 includes all important |

|Retelling: |events or details |events, generally in |important events-beginning, |events from the beginning,|

|sequence of events | |random order |middle, end, generally in |middle, end in sequence |

| | | |sequence | |

| |1 refers to characters |2 refers to characters |3 refers to most characters |4 refers to all |

|Retelling: |using general pronouns; |using appropriate |by name & includes some |characters by name |

|characters & details |may include incorrect |pronouns; includes at |important details |& includes all important |

| |information |least 1 detail, may have | |details |

| | |some misinterpretation | | |

| |1 uses general terms; |2 uses some language/ |3 uses language / |4 uses important |

|Retelling: |limited understanding of |vocabulary from text |vocabulary from text; basic |language/vocabulary from |

|vocabulary |key words/concepts |some understanding of key |understanding of most key |text; good understanding |

| | |words/concepts |words/concepts |of key words/concepts |

| Student Retell: |

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|Retelling support: |1 retells with 5 or more |2 retells with 3 or 4 |3 retells with 1 or 2 |4 retells with no |

| |questions or prompts |questions or prompts |questions or prompts |questions or prompts |

|Make tally marks with each| | | | |

|prompt: | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Reflection |1 Gives an unrelated |2 Gives a limited response|3 Gives a specific story |4 Gives a response and |

|(Teacher says: What part |event; no reason for |and/or general reason for |event/action and gives relevant |reason that reflects |

|did you like best in the |opinion or no response |opinion |reason (s) for response (e.g., |higher level thinking |

|story. Tell me why you | | |personal connection) | |

|liked that part.) | | | | |

|Student says: |

| | | | | |

|Making Connections |1 Makes an unrelated |2 Makes a connection that|3 Makes a literal connection |4 Makes a thoughtful |

|(Teacher says: What did |connection, relates an |reflects a limited |that reflects a basic |connection that reflects a|

|this story make you think |event in the story, or |understanding of the story|understanding of the story |deeper understanding of |

|of or what connections did|gives no response | | |the story |

|you make?) | | | | |

|Student says: |

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|Score |7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |14 15 16 17 18 |19 20 21 22 23 24 25 |26 27 28 |

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Running Record for _________________________________ Date:_______________

Level:______________ Book:_____________________________________________

1. Student makes predictions by looking at pictures in book.

2. Student reads 100+ words to teacher while teacher is marking.

3. Student finishes the book silently.

4. Student retells to teacher & answers reflection/connection questions as teacher writes the responses on the form:

Total # of miscues:_____________ Miscue analysis:

Sight words:______________ Endings:_________________

Proper nouns:_____________ Decoding:________________ Other :__________________

|Next steps for student to move to next level (below grade level) or to go deeper on this level ( grade level +): |

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|Name: _________________________ Date:___________ Grade________ School_______________ |

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|DRA2 18+ Level: _____ Book:__________________________ Assessor:_____________________ |

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|Instructional or independent (circle after scoring) |

|____________________________________________________________________________________________ |

|1. Student predicts about story from cover of book or after reading 100 words. |

|2 Student reads 100 + words for running record (on back). |

|3. Student finishes reading the book at desk. |

|4. Level 28 or higher: Student completes summary & question form. |

|Levels 18- 24: Student retells as teacher writes on the summary/question form their answers. |

|5. Teacher scores the rubric- mark instructional or independent. Continue next level if score is independent. |

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|Comprehension |Intervention |Instructional |Independent |Advanced |

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|Prediction |

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|Retelling: |

|sequence of events |

| |1 refers to characters using general pronouns; may include incorrect information |

|Retelling: | |

|characters & details | |

| |1 uses general terms; limited understanding of key |2 uses some language/ vocabulary from text |

|Retelling: |words/concepts |some understanding of key words/concepts |

|vocabulary | | |

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|Main Idea/Message: |1 little or no |2 some understanding of |3 understands the message of |4 insightful |

| |understanding |the message but not why it|the story and why it is |understanding of the story|

|What is author trying to | |is important |important |with strong reason why it |

|tell you? Why | | | |is important |

| | | | | |

|Reflection: |1 identifies an unrelated|2 identifies a less |3 identifies a significant event|4 identifies a significant|

|What is most important |event; no reason for |significant event and/or |and gives relevant reason (s) |event and gives reason(s) |

|event? Why? |opinion or no response |gives a general reason for|for opinion |for opinion that reflects |

|(use answer form) | |response | |higher level thinking |

Running Record for _________________________________ Date:_______________

Level:______________ Book:_____________________________________________

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ORAL READING: Include running record of 100+ words; Total # of miscues:________________

Analysis of miscues:

sight words:________________endings:_____________ proper nouns:____________

decoding specifics______________________

Next steps for student to move to next level (below grade level) or to go deeper on this level

(grade level +):


Name: Date:


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