Narrative Essay Rubric

Narrative Essay Rubric— Evaluating Student Examples Names _______________________________________

The title of the essay we evaluated: _________________________________________

Use this rubric to evaluate the student essay you’ve been assigned. Work with your team and agree upon scores—mark them with a highlighter.

Note: Work down each column. Note how the check marks are organized before you begin evaluating.

|I can write with strong ideas. |I can write an organized essay. |I can write with strong voice. |

|Advanced |Advanced |Advanced |

|Background gives reader complete context of the story |Lead completely draws reader in |Point of view is consistent—reader always uses first person |

|Nearly every moment described is full of details and comparisons |Paragraphing shows mature understanding of how to effectively order a|Dialogue exists between multiple characters and is natural |

|(metaphors and similes) |story |Dialogue occurs in many scenarios and adds to story’s meaning |

|The story comes to life with unique sensory details |Transition words are natural and achieve easy flow |Writer truly connects with audience—the reader is intrigued and wants to hear|

|Action & describing words masterfully chosen |Conclusion’s lesson is complete and satisfying |the story |

|Theme/lesson incorporated through whole story | | |

|( Proficient ( |( Proficient ( |( Proficient ( |

|Writer sets up story in intro paragraph |Writer begins with a great lead |Writer mostly uses first person language (“I”, “me”) |

|Episodes and events are developed with specific, memorable details |Story is told chronologically with paragraph breaks |Dialogue exists between at least 2 characters |

|Sensory details (5 senses) captivate reader |Transition words help maintain story’s order |Dialogue is used in at least 2 different settings/scenarios |

|Strong, vivid verbs & adjectives hold reader’s attention |Solid conclusion revisits point of story—explains the lesson |Reader hears the writer’s interest in the topic |

|Writer reflects & clearly states lesson learned | | |

|Basic |Basic |Basic |

|Little background is given |Writer begins with a mediocre lead |Writer sometimes switches point of view |

|Events lack some detail |Events are sometimes out of order and paragraphing is confusing |Dialogue exists for only one character |

|Some of the 5 senses are used in details |Transition words are sometimes used |Dialogue is used once |

|Writer attempts to use strong verb/adjectives |Conclusion contains some aspect of lesson learned but feels |Writer sometimes shows their interest but reader struggles to find the |

|Writer has some reflection and/or lesson is unclear |incomplete |personality—fades in and out |

|Below Basic |Below Basic |Below Basic |

|No background is given |Lead is nonexistent /absent |Point of view is random |

|Events lack detail—ideas are simple |Order of events confuses reader and paragraphs aren’t placed |No dialogue |

|Few or no sensory details are given |correctly |Story is lifeless-- Writing is flat and has no connection to audience |

|Writer uses weak verbs/adjectives |None or few transitions words are used | |

|No reflection and/or lesson are present |Lesson is not stated | |


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