Nature Neuroscience Guidelines For Authors

Nature Neuroscience Guidelines For Authors

The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk. As a guideline, we recommend that your manuscript contains the following sections:. Nature Neuroscience editors share useful tips on the initial submission process. These are described in our Guide to Authors and examples can be found.

The authors draw parallels and point to differences in the circuitry of the mouse retina Nature Neuroscience presents a special issue on epilepsy, consisting.

Guidelines for prospective authors. Instructions for authors can now be found on the website. Review of Nature Neuroscience, 3 pp.91-96. Thesis. authors & referees @ npg provides guidance and access to all of nature publishing group journals' Reports that do not conform to the CONSORT guidelines may need to be revised before formal review. Nature Neuroscience: Got data? The study, published online by the journal Nature Neuroscience on March 9, was led Coauthors of the study include researchers from UNC, Harvard Medical.

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