Packet for Communication Techniques

Packet for Communication Techniques

Techniques for Facilitating Effective Communication

Therapeutic Techniques for Obtaining Relevant Information/Questioning

|Technique |Example |

|Giving broad openings – allowing patient to introduce the topic |Is there something you'd like to talk about? |

| |What are you thinking about? |

| |Where would you like to begin? |

|Open-ended questions – nurse chooses subject but allows for patient |How have you been? |

|direction |What do you think about..? |

|Indirect statements – similar to open-ended questions |I'd like to hear about..? |

|Exploring - delving further into a subject or idea |Tell me more about that. |

| |Would you describe it more fully? |

| |What kind of work? |

| | |

|Techniques for Responding | |

|Restating or paraphrasing - repeating main idea expressed in own words|Pt. "I can't sleep. I stay awake all night." |

| |Ns. "You have difficulty sleeping?" |

|Reflecting - verbally giving back the feeling part of the patient's |Pt. "My brother spends my money and then has the nerve to ask for |

|message |more." |

| |Ns. "This causes you to feel angry?" |

|Making observation – verbalizing what is perceived |You appear tense. |

| |Are you uncomfortable when you...? |

| |I notice that you're biting your lips. |

| |It makes me uncomfortable when you... |

|Seeking clarification - trying to make clear what you do not |I'm not sure that I follow |

|understand |What would you say is the main point of what you said? |

| |I'm not sure that I follow you. |

| |Could you say it another way? |

|Offering general leads - giving encouragement to continue |Go on. |

| |And then? |

| |Tell me about it. |

| | |

|Accepting - giving indication of reception |Uh hum. |

| |I follow what you said. |

| |Nodding. |

|Giving information - giving facts to the patient |My name is... |

| |Visiting hours are... |

| |My purpose in being here, is... |

| |I'm taking you to the... |

|Reassurance - truthful reassurance that patient is being listened to |I am here. I care. |

|and that we understand what they say | |

|Using silence - utilizing the absence of verbal communication to | |

|collect thoughts or control emotions | |

|Summarizing - organizing and summing up what has been said |Have I got this straight? |

| |You've said that... |

| |During the past hour you and I have discussed. |

| | |

|General Techniques | |

|Giving recognition/focusing on client - acknowledging, indicating |Good morning, Mrs. X. |

|awareness |You've tooled a leather wallet. |

| |I notice that you've combed your hair. |

| |Tell me about yourself. |

|Offering self - making oneself available |I'll sit with you for a while. |

| |I'll stay here with you. |

| | |

|Techniques Which Inhibit Effective Communication |

| | |

|Nontherapeutic Techniques for Obtaining Relevant Information/Questioning |

| | |

|Technique |Example |

| | |

|Requesting an explanation or probing - asking for reasons |Why do you think that? |

| |Why do you feel this way? |

| |Why do you do that? |

|Multiple questions |Did you sleep well, enjoy your breakfast, and have a good morning? |

|Overuse of closed questions - inhibits client; disrupts flow of |Are you in pain? |

|communication |Is it here? |

| | |

|Nontherapeutic Techniques for Responding | |

| | |

|Advising - telling patient what do; giving own opinion |I think you should... |

| |Why don't you..? |

|Giving approval or disapproval - saying client has or has not measured|That's good. |

|up to nurse's standards |I'm glad that you... |

| |I'd rather you wouldn't... |

|Agreeing/Disagreeing - nurse's judgment that patient is right or wrong|That's good. |

| |I don't believe that... |

| |I agree. |

|Blaming/Moralizing – being judgmental |Don't you know that smoking is bad? |

| |What have you done to your child? |

| |Abortion is sinful. |

|Patronizing the client – talking down client |It's time for our bath. |

|Belittling feelings expressed - telling patient his problems are not |Pt. "I have nothing to live for... I wish I were dead." |

|important |Ns. "Everybody gets down that way sometimes." |

|False reassurance – indicating there is no cause for anxiety |I wouldn't worry about... |

| |Everything will be all right. |

| |You're coming along fine. |

|Making stereotyped comments - offering meaningless clichés |Fine weather we are having. |

| |I'm fine, how are you? |

| |It's for your own good. |

| |Keep your chin up. |

|Defending - attempting to protect someone from verbal attack |This hospital has a fine reputation. |

| |No one here would lie to you. |

| |But Dr. B. is a very able psychiatrist. |

|Changing the subject |Pt. "I'd like to die." |

| |Ns. "Did you have visitors this weekend?" |

|Stumped silence - silence due to confusion | |


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