Competency Framework for Head Teachers

Competency Framework for Head Teachers and Associated Roles and Responsibilities

|Competency 1 : Service Delivery | |

|Is focused on the customer’s needs and the delivery of services to the refugee community or department within UNRWA. | |

|Objectives |Indicators |Roles and responsibilities |

|Ensures the delivery of quality inclusive |Sets high expectations and challenging targets, monitors effectiveness and |Contributes to enhancing teaching and learning. The Head teacher should, in |

|education services to all students. |evaluates learning outcomes. |particular: |

| |Leads on effective teaching and learning based on knowledge of student |Lead on effective teaching and learning to ensure the delivery of quality |

| |learning, teaching and learning theories, and principles of curriculum |inclusive education services to students. |

| |enrichment. |Provide ongoing support to all teachers. |

| |Facilitates the use of ICT in the implementation and enrichment of school |Set, implement and evaluate, collaboratively with relevant stakeholders, the |

| |curricula. |School Development Plan |

| |Supports inclusive programs for students who need it. |Manage the implementation of teaching, support programmes/services (including |

| |Is responsible for implementing SQA mechanism and procedures. |learning support, psychosocial counselling, medical referral and special |

| | |needs). |

| | |Manage curriculum enrichment, and co-curricular activities, and ensures |

| | |alignment with the curricula/syllabi and timetables. |

| | |Facilitates the use of a variety of strategies to monitor and evaluate |

| | |students’ performance and respond to identified needs. |

| | |Support quality assurance systems and school Quality Review (SQR). |

| Develops & maintains inclusive, safe and |Implements effectively the strategies that enable the school’s physical |Ensures a safe and effective learning environment. The Head teacher should, in |

|effective learning environment. |environment, equipment, to operate safely, efficiently and effectively. |particular: |

| |Ensures the safety of students and staff and addresses emergencies and |Develop & maintain an inclusive, safe and stimulating learning environment. |

| |security concerns. |Maintain ongoing respect for human and child rights, discipline and morale |

| |Promotes caring and a learning-friendly school atmosphere; complies with human|among staff. |

| |rights, child rights and health. |Liaise with parents and the community to ensure zero tolerance to violence and |

| |Works with the school community and actively involves the local community to |corporal punishment. |

| |ensure zero tolerance to violence, bullying and corporal punishment. |Arrange for the effective and efficient administration and maintenance of |

| | |school premises, equipments and supplies. |

|Competency 2: Knowledge and understanding | |

|Has the appropriate knowledge to accomplish assigned duties and seeks out knowledge to improve performance and to | |

|understand the purpose of the mission of the Agency and its importance to the recipients of services. | |

|Objectives |Indicators |Roles and responsibilities |

|Demonstrates knowledge of teaching and |Regularly evaluates own performance and seeks to improve it. |Improves own performance, supervision and evaluatio of staff and supports their|

|learning, management and leadership. |Selects and implements appropriate models for supervision and staff development, |professional development. The Head teacher should, in particular: |

| |and applies the legal requirements for staff performance management. | |

| |Works collaboratively with others to develop, implement and evaluate professional|Manage professional development activities of school staff in cooperation with |

| |development plans that address staff needs and identify development goals. |Education Specialist. |

| |Leads, manages and supports his/her staff to enhance professional development |Encourage teachers’ mutual support and cooperation to improve their practice. |

| |activities, including the use of appropriate content, processes, and contexts. |Assess the training needs of school staff and manage and evaluate their |

| |Identifies, analyses and resolves problems using problem solving techniques and |performance and behaviour. . |

| |decision making skills. |Implement appropriate models for instructional supervision. |

| | |Ensure the development of overall performance of the school through linkages |

| | |with relevant stakeholders. |

| | | |

| | | |

|Competency 3 : Attitude and integrity | |

|Displays a positive attitude towards work, colleagues, the refugee community and the United Nations, and conducts all | |

|duties with the highest level of ethics and honesty. | |

|Objectives |Indicators |Roles and responsibilities |

|Acts with integrity, fairness and in an|Applies UNRWA laws, code of ethics and policies to support decision making |Displays and promotes integrity, fairness and an ethical and legal behaviour. |

|ethical and legal manner towards |related to school programs and operations. |The Head teacher should, in particular: |

|pupils, teachers, staff, parents and |Allocates and manages human and financial resources according to UNRWA policies |Support principles and practices of school quality assurance. |

|UNRWA senior officers. |and school priorities. |Ensure appropriate school budgeting, financial management, and resource |

| |Models professionalism and promotes the highest standard of conduct, ethical |utilization in line with UNRWA approved policies, processes, and procedures. |

| |principles and integrity in decision making, actions, and behaviour. |Promote, by his/her example, professionalism, and the highest standards of |

| |Applies legal guidelines to protect the rights of students and staff, and creates|conduct, ethical principles and integrity. |

| |a democratic school society. |Protect the rights of students and staff. |

| |Acts fairly towards school community (students and staff). |Advocate in a fair manner for students, teachers and the community. |

|Competency 4 : Relationships and communications | |

|Develops and maintains good relationships with subordinates, peers, superiors and external people and agencies of | |

|interest. | |

|Objectives |Indicators |Roles and responsibilities |

| Communicates and collaborates |Regularly communicates with teachers, students, and parents including through |Communicates and collaborates effectively with the school community (including |

|appropriately with school community |meetings. |teachers, students, parents, the administration, and other community members). |

|(students, staff, parents) UNRWA senior|Communicates regularly with the administration and the school community to update|The Head teacher should, in particular: |

|staff, and community members). |them on school progress and performance. |Communicate and collaborate effectively with the community including the school|

| |Develops strategies for effective internal and external communications to shape |council, teachers, students, the student parliament, parents, the |

| |outcomes and achieve results. |administration, community leaders, NGOs and other relevant organisations . |

| |Builds consensus and manages conflict within the school community. |Undertake appropriate action to promote enhanced engagement in educational |

| |Acknowledges and celebrates the contribution of students, staff, community, |activities. |

| |towards realisation of school vision. | |

| |Develops good networks and maintains links with the wider education community and| |

| |other programs of the Agency, NGOs, government institutions, child centres to | |

| |support students’ learning and development of the whole school. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Competency 5: Leadership and Management | |

|Ensures appropriate allocation of work to staff and use of resources, motivates staff, and provides adequate direction | |

|for accomplishing the mission of the Agency. | |

|Objectives |Indicators |Roles and responsibilities |

| Applies principles of effective |Develops a shared school vision and creates a plan for implementing it based on |Leads and manages the school appropriately, building a shared vision and |

|leadership and management in developing|accurate data. |ensuring appropriate school budgeting and financial management, staff and |

|a shared vision, motivating staff and |Involves all stakeholders in the planning process, and collaborative development |resource utilization, and ICT use. The Head teacher should, in particular: |

|deploying financial and physical |of a shared vision. |Develop a shared, evidence-based school vision and related implementation plan |

|resources. |Uses appropriate management techniques and tools to maximize attainment of school|focused on teaching and learning. |

| |goals. |Maximise attainment of school goals through appropriate planning and staff |

| |Optimises staff performance by continuously motivating and encouraging them. |organization. |

| |Distributes leadership throughout the school and influences others to display |Motivate and energize staff members. |

| |mutual support for goal attainment. |Empower others to participate in decision making, positive change and |

| |Deploys physical and financial resources transparently and effectively to achieve|innovation, mutual support, and continuing professional development. |

| |the school goals. | |


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