WORKSHEET – Racism, Prejudice, and Stereotypes

WORKSHEET – Racism, Prejudice, and Stereotypes

What do you think the following statements represent?

Racism: belief that one race is better than another

Prejudice: pre-judgment based on a personal bias

Stereotype: group-based assumption based on word of mouth or media outlets

Ex: Cathy doesn’t like Brian because he has red hair. Prejudice

1. The substitute teacher walked into the room and I immediately knew that I wouldn’t like her because of the way she was dressed. ______________________


2. I know I won’t like my lab partner; he’s openly gay. ______________________


3. Steve looked like most other gang members, in his baggy, loose jeans, oversized sweatshirt and baseball cap. ______________________


4. A lot of people believe that Chinese people are terrible drivers. ______________________


5. Damon has long, bleached blonde hair and he wears a lot of clothing made by Quicksilver, Billabong, and Rip Curl. He says "Dude" and "Sweet" a lot, so he’s definitely like most other surfers. ______________________


6. The woman at the reception desk wouldn’t let me into the restaurant because she says my clothing was inappropriate. ______________________


7. My teacher, a Black woman, says I can’t be in the recital because she thinks that white people can’t dance. ______________________

8. With a name like "Bambi," I doubt that she’s very intelligent. ______________________


9. Michael is very tall – 6 feet, 8 inches. He looks like a lot of other basketball players I’ve seen. ______________________


10. I took one look at him and knew that we’d never be friends. ______________________


11. Many years ago, First Nations children were sent to live in residential schools so that they would become more like White children. ______________________


12. She has short hair and doesn’t flirt with guys; clearly, she a lesbian. ___________________


13. Carolyn isn’t very attractive, so I doubt that she is popular with the rest of the class. ______________________


14. What do you mean that Asians can’t use this water fountain? ______________________


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