Answers to frequently asked customer relationship management questions.


In a 2015 survey conducted by Salesforce, more than half of small business owners said their companies were not using any kind of customer relationship management (CRM) solution.

Yet, small businesses that have implemented a CRM solution have seen major improvements in sales productivity, customer satisfaction and most importantly, big gains in sales! So, what holds back other small business owners from using a CRM solution?

This e-book takes a look at some frequently asked questions small business owners have about CRM and offers helpful answers.

Table of Contents

4 Question #1: What Does CRM Do?

7 Question #2: Do Only Large Companies Use CRM?

10 Question #3: Can I Afford CRM?

14 Question #4: Isn't It Safer to Store Data Myself?

Why Do I Need CRM?

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Question #1: What Does CRM Do?

Some people believe that sales is an art, where a rep can close a deal with charm and charisma. That might have worked in the past, but modern salespeople has to rely on much more than personality -- they need process and analytics to help close big deals.

On the surface, CRM sounds like a digital rolodex that stores your contact's basic information. However, when using a CRM system, the most successful sales reps are not only personable, they also play it smart by following an insight-driven sales process. CRM helps your team move through the process of winning deals with greater efficiency and rigor. It helps your reps get a 360-degree view of the customer, which helps them close deals and build the relationship. Savvy business owners have discovered that a CRM is a powerful business tool that will truly help them grow.

Why Do I Need CRM?

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Simplify lead management

Salespeople spend only one-third of their time selling; they spend the remainder of their time with administrative tasks, such as lead qualifying, chasing down information, researching, and keeping track of details. This is important to note because oftentimes success in sales is determined by how much new business is generated. In fact, driving new business was deemed the top objective by salespeople working for small businesses,

according to our recent survey. Closing deals has gotten tougher as busy sales teams have seen an increase in competition. Without a well-defined workflow to manage incoming sales opportunities, time is wasted. CRM was designed to help businesses overcome this challenge and make closing a deal as easy and quick as possible. Leads are routed as they come in, complete with contact information, account activity, and relevant

company information. Working in tandem with marketing automation tools, the CRM's workflow engine ensures that leads are automatically scored. Leads that aren't ready to purchase can be sent to lead nurturing campaigns, and good leads can be routed to the appropriate sales rep. Comprehensive performance metrics help to better define what is working -- and what isn't.

Salespeople spend only


of their time selling.

Why Do I Need CRM?

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