2cos2x 4 sin x 1 0 1

    • [DOC File]Trigonometry Review


      a) cos2 b) 2sin2x + sin x – 1 = 0 c) 10cos2(2x) + 7cos(2x) = 6. d) 4cos2(2x) – 1 = 0 e) 3tan2x = 1 f) 2tan2x + tan x – 3 = 0. g) 6cos2x – sin x – 4 = 0 h) 2cos x = 1 – sin2 x i) 2sin2 x = -cos x + 1. 9. a) Convert 330( to radians b) Convert radians to degrees. 10.Use compound angles to …

    • [DOC File]MHF 4U Exam Review


      5. Determine whether the following are equations or identities. If they are equations solve them, otherwise prove the identity. x ( [0, 360o] a) 4cos2x = 3 – 2sin2x b) sin4x + cos4x = sin2x(csc2x – 2cos2x) c) d) (cot x)(csc x)(tan x)(cos x) = cos 2x + 2sin2x. 6. If and , determine an exact value for sin[2(x - y)]. 7.

    • [DOC File]sb6862009b8fb20f8.jimcontent.com


      №1. Решим уравнение. sin. 2. x = 2 . cos. 2. x. 2sin xcos x - 2cos2x = 0, 2 cosx (sinx - cosx) = 0, 2 cosx = 0, X = + Пn, nZ,

    • [DOC File]Analiza I: 4. kolokvij - plonkec


      f(x) f'(x) f(x) f'(x) sin x cos x logax (xln a)-1 cos x -sin x arccos x 1/((1-x2) tg x cos-2x arctg x (1+x2)-1 ctg x -sin-2x ch x sh x ex ex sh x ch x ax ax ln a th x ch-2 x ln x x-1 f-1x 1/f'(f-1x) Rollov. Izrek: f:[a,b](R zv., odvedljiva na (a,b) in f(a)=f(b) ( (c : f'(c)=0. Lagrangeov. izrek

    • [DOCX File]Higher Mathematics – Vectors


      Sketch the graph of y=3 sin x° +4 cos x°+1 between 0≤x

    • [DOC File]A Level Mathematics Questionbanks


      x = 1.11 or 4.25 A2 [3] b) cos2x ( 1 sin2x M1. sin2x sin x 1=0 M1 A1. sin x = M1. sinx = -1.618.. or 0.618.. A1 cao-1.618… gives no solutions. x = 0.666 or 2.48 A2 [7] 6. a) i) cos2x ( 1 sin2x B1. 3sin x + 2cos2x ( 3s + 2(1 s2) M1 ( 2 + 3s 2s2 A1 ( (2 s)(1+2s) A1 [4] ii) tan2x = M1

    • [DOC File]A Level Mathematics Questionbanks


      sinx (2cosx 1) = 0 M1 A1. sinx = 0 or cosx = x = 0, 180, 60, 300 A3 (-1 eeoo) [6] b) From (a), have 2x = 0, 180, 60, 300 M1. x = 0, 90, 30, 150 A2 ft [3] 2. a) cos2x + sin2x ( 1 ( cosA =, cosB = M1 A1. sin(A+B) ( sinA cosB + cosA sinB B1



      Cách giải : Đặt t = sinx , cosx ( -1 t 1) hoặc t = tan x. Bài tập : 1.Giải các phương trình sau : a.2cos2x – sinx – 1 = 0 b. 2sin22x – cos2x – 1 = 0 c.cos2x + 9cosx +5 = 0 d.cos4x +7sin2x – 6 = 0 e. cos6x – 7cos3x + 4 = 0 f. cos4x +2cos2x – 3 = 0 2. Giải các phương trình lượng giác sau

    • [DOC File]Chuyªn ®Ò :ph­¬ng tr×nh l­îng gi¸c


      1/a/ 3sin2x- sinxcosx+2cos2x cosx=2 b/ 4 sin2x+3sinxcosx-2cos2x=4 c/3 sin2x+5 cos2x-2cos2x-4sin2x=0 d/ 2 sin2x+6sinxcosx+2(1+ )cos2x-5-=0 2/ sinx- 4sin3x+cosx=0 2 cách +/ (tanx -1)(3tan2x+2tanx+1)=0

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