A sound decision

    • [DOC File]Competency Examples with Performance Statements


      Examples Decision Making & Judgment Makes timely, informed decisions that take into account the facts, goals, constraints, and risks. Examples Mathematical Reasoning Uses mathematical techniques to calculate data or solve practical problems. ... Uses sound methods to plan and track work, appointments, and commitments. Evaluates progress on ...

      keys to sound decision making

    • [DOCX File]NIH Behavioral Interview Guide GS-301 General Administration


      Makes sound decisions that take into account objectives, risks, implications, and agency and governmental regulations. Financial Acumen Maintains and applies a broad understanding of financial management principles to ensure decisions are fiscally sound and responsible.

      another word for sound decisions

    • [DOCX File]Decision - California


      This decision requires the Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) to prepare and submit to the Commission a preliminary assessment of priority facilities for their distribution assets and control centers (“covered assets”) within 18 months of this decision. ... sound engineering judgment, and experience. The commission shall also adopt standards ...

      sound decision definition

    • [DOCX File]Maine.gov


      c. Sound decision-making: d. Record-keeping: d. Other: 5)Are you aware of the applicant(s) having any problems involving the abuse of alcohol or drugs? If yes, please describe. 6)What kinds of discipline does the applicant(s) use with children?

      make sound decisions examples

    • [DOCX File]REQUEST FOR QUOTE (RFQ) - General Services Administration


      The closer the quotes are judged for evaluation factors 1, 2, and 3, the more important price may become in the decision. ... The proposal will be evaluated on the degree to which the proposal demonstrates a sound approach, adequate qualifications, and experience with emphasis on: ...

      making sound judgement

    • [DOC File]Value Analysis (VA) Study - Template


      Correct information is essential to making a sound decision. Keywords: Cost Model, Quality Model, Design Presentation. Phase II - Functional Analysis Phase . This phase ensures that all team members completely understand the functions required. The team paints a functional portrait of the project and evaluates program needs versus wants.

      audio decision llc

    • [DOCX File]U.S.Army Nurse Corps


      Communicate holistic assessments to support sound decision making. Self-nominate for Branch Immaterial boards, Command, or AN Key Leader billets. Participate in strategic initiatives such as Imperative Action Teams or Executive Board of Directors. Provide feedback in …

      a sound decision tarpon springs

    • [DOCX File]Grant Decision Matrix - GrantStation


      With the right strategic grants approach in place, your tasks gain more clarity allowing for sound decision-making. What are my ideas / thoughts for developing a strategy for funding this project? What other projects that need funding might I want to include in an overall strategic approach for the rest of this year, and throughout next?

      how to make sound decisions

    • [DOCX File]Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard FAQs


      It is also expected that the caregiver implement use of the RPPS in decision making to ensure a sound decision is made regarding a youth hunting and their supervision doing so. If a caregiver decides to allow a child to participate in an activity that both the PCP agency staff …

      keys to sound decision making



      Make Sound And Timely Decisions - The leader must be able to rapidly estimate a situation and make a sound decision based on that estimation. Hesitation or a reluctance to make a decision leads subordinates to lose confidence in your abilities as a leader. Loss of confidence in turn creates confusion and hesitation within the unit.

      another word for sound decisions

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