Another word for over budget

    • [PDF File]Project Management Glossary

      determine if the project is under or over budget.) Another term for BCWP is "earned value." Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) The sum of the budgets for all planned work scheduled to be accomplished within a given time period. This term is often used to designate the cumulative to-date budget. Business Process Manager (BPM)

      synonym for over budget

    • [PDF File]Lesson 4 v2

      (A budget surplus occurs when income is greater than expenses.) 9. What is a budget deficit? (A budget deficit is a negative surplus; it occurs when expenses are greater than income.) 10. How can a budget help individuals and families? (A budget helps people examine income and plan expenses carefully so that the budget is balanced or has a surplus.

      another word for quick


      The line-item budget, which is the most widely used of all budgeting systems, offers many advantages. It is comparatively easy to prepare and doesn’t require sophisticated financial skills. Also, the line-item budget is straightforward, simple to administer, and readily understood by …

      synonyms for budget conscious

    • Glossary of Budgeting and Planning Terms

      provide control over revenues and expenditures. Budgeting Models Mathematical models that generate a profit planning budget. The models help planners and budget analysts answer a variety of what-if questions. The resultant calculations provide a basis for choice among alternatives under conditions of …

      synonym for budget


      Make realistic budget projections Give close attention to monitoring budget variances and plans appropriate adjustment Strive for maximum return on investment Excel in profit-oriented decisions Demonstrate a strong ability to strengthen cost-profit ratios Demonstrate sound cost effectiveness

      other words for budget

    • [PDF File]VI. When to Use Transfer Journal Entries

      to move budget dollars from one department to another. Refer to Chapter IV, The Budget Process at RIT for information about how to process a budget journal entry. C. How to Request a Transfer ... If an over expenditure occurs on a gift (20000 – 29999) or endowment earnings account (60000 – 79999), the

      another word for friendly relationship

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