Aquatic toxicity testing

    • [PDF File]Aquatic Life Toxicity Testing Methods Manual Edition 2

      specific situations). The “State of Wisconsin Aquatic Life Toxicity Testing Methods Manual” (Methods Manual) is intended to comply with the requirements of 40 CFR part 136, while providing testing and laboratory procedures specific to those performing WET testing for the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) program.

    • [PDF File]The Threshold Approach for Acute Fish Toxicity Testing ...

      The Threshold Approach for Acute Fish Toxicity Testing GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 1. In the interest of animal welfare and efficient use of resources, it is important to avoid the unnecessary use of animals whenever possible. In the field of aquatic toxicology, this especially applies to the acute toxicity testing of fish according to OECD TG 203. The

    • [PDF File]Aquatic Toxicity Testing Information - California

      AQUATIC TOXICITY TESTING (Fields of Testing/Accreditation 113 and 119) INTRODUCTION This section covers the general accreditation requirements for aquatic toxicity testing of effluents and hazardous wastes. Laboratory aquatic bioassay procedures will be evaluated based on comparison with protocols

    • [PDF File]Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing (Biomonitoring)

      Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing (Biomonitoring) Applicability Whole effluent toxicity (WET) testing, also known as biomonitoring, is required in permits for dischargers whose effluent has a significant potential to exert toxicity in the receiving water (See § 307.6(e)(2)(A) of the Standards). WET testing directly measures a discharge’s aggregate

    • [PDF File]Overview of Freshwater and Marine Toxicity Tests

      comprehensive review of aquatic toxicity testing methods. Although it is recognized that a variety of other non-standardized toxicity test methods are used in ecotoxicologic research, emphasis is placed on standardized protocols provided by the U.S. EPA and ASTM, because these are the tests most commonly used in regulatory applications. In


      Acute toxicity 3. Acute aquatic toxicity would normally be determined using a fish 96 hour LC 50 (OECD Test Guideline 203 or equivalent), a crustacea species 48 hour EC 50 (OECD Test Guideline 202 or equivalent) and/or an algal species 2 or 96 hour EC7 50 (OECD Test Guideline 201 or equivalent). These species are


      techniques, and calculation procedures used in acute toxicity testing with fish as the test organism. Particular methods are described for test protocol using fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) as the test species. ... ,aquatic systems and provide a direct measure of toxicity which cannot be determined with chemical analyses alone. (2)

    • [PDF File]Fresh Water Acute Toxicity Test Procedure and Protocol

      to toxicity testing. EPA strongly urges that screening be done prior to set up of a full definitive toxicity test any time there is question about the dilution water's ability to support acceptable performance as outlined in the 'test acceptability' section of the protocol.

    • [PDF File]Appendix C Aquatic Toxicity Testing Studies Conceptual Plan

      any substance(s) in the treated effluent water may produce adverse effects on non-target aquatic biota in the receiving ecosystem(s) (i.e., wetland habitats) and whether there are environmental risks to consider. This document contains the Aquatic Toxicity Testing Studies Conceptual Plan for the

    • [PDF File]Prepared by the Aquatic Toxicology Branch/Water Sciences ...

      Prepared by the Aquatic Toxicology Branch/Water Sciences Section Water Sciences Section N.C. Division of Water Resources . 2014 Introduction This information packet has been prepared as a resource for NPDES permit holders required to perform effluent toxicity testing or are utilizing toxicity testing as part of a toxicity reduction program. The ...

    • [PDF File]Standard Practice for Aquatic Toxicity Testing of ...

      Aquatic Toxicity Testing of Lubricants: Sample Preparation and Results Interpretation1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6081; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.

    • [PDF File]P2 Assessment of Polymers - EPA

      Mitigation of Toxicity Standard aquatic hazard testing media (OECD) usually has a low total organic content (TOC) which may result in artificially high toxicity of polycationic and amphoteric polymers in those media. Guidance for the Assessment of Polymers 37 Mitigation Factors

    • [PDF File]Alternative Approaches to Aquatic Vertebrate Toxicity Tests

      Traditional toxicity tests, according to internationally accepted regulatory guidelines, are based on stud-ies on model organisms. For example, in the field of aquatic ecotoxicology, researchers regularly use algae and aquatic plants, invertebrates, fish, and amphibians to evaluate the effects of chemicals and contaminants in water.

    • [PDF File]Applicability of Ambient Toxicity Testing to National or ...

      aquatic communities. Toxicity-test results are most effec­ tive when used as a complement to chemical analyses, hydrologic measurements, and other biological monitor­ ing. However, all toxicity-testing procedures have certain limitations that must be considered in developing the methodology and applications of toxicity testing in any

    • [PDF File]Duckweeds for water remediation and toxicity testing

      tic toxicity testing with duckweeds on the basis of gene expression profiling is discussed. The aim is not to provide an exhaustive compilation of findings relevant to these topics, but rather to point to the potential and limitations of using duckweeds for water remedia-tion and toxicity testing.

    • [PDF File]Aquatic Toxicity Tests in the Context of Science and ...

      AQUATIC TOXICITY TESTS IN THE CONTEXT OF SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT 1.0 Understanding the purpose of the tests 1.2 The scientific context 1.3 The management context 2.0 Test Procedures 2.1 Basic Principles 2.2 Factors in test design 2.3 Selecting test species 2.4 Data reporting 3.0 Waste Sampling 4.0 Setting and Applying Toxicity Limits


      The main driver for aquatic toxicity testing is the EPA IPPC licensing Framework. Some landfill sites require toxicity testing to compliment the chemical analysis to assess suitability of the solid waste for land-filling. In 2012 SATL received 185 samples, 70% of which were effluents, 18% solid wastes and 12% others (Figure 2).

    • [PDF File]OECD GD 24: Guidance Document on Acute Oral Toxicity Testing

      Aquatic Toxicity Data (1998) No. 11, Detailed Review Paper on Aquatic Testing Methods for Pesticides and industrial Chemicals (1998) No. 12, Detailed Review Document on Classification Systems for Germ Cell Mutagenicity in OECD Member Countries (1998) No. 13, Detailed Review Document on Classification Systems for

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