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    • [DOC File]A Software Design Specification Template

      Design site, site utilities, building and foundation system. Submit DB Design Development and DB Construction Documents for review and approval, as required . Provide schedule of construction work. Secure work area and provide for continued access to the facility . Construct project. Create and provide operations and maintenance manual. Provide as-constructed drawings. 2.1.2 Definition of ...

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    • 4 Best Free Architecture Design Software For Windows

      A separate utility to manage the dialog database would make the dialog-building process much simpler than if each dialog had to be coded into the system (see the Dialog Builder, implemented and used to build the dialogs for this project). Moreover, an end user needs to know nothing about programming to build a front end to a voice-activated application with this method. The user interface ...

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    • [DOC File]System Architecture Document Template

      2005-10-24 · The design document gets developed by designer’s who design this in order to give description of the product which the developers in the software development team use to develop the product. In short the design document gives in a nutshell the main idea and structure of the product that would be developed by developers. The design document comes following the design of architecture …

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    • [DOC File]Design-Build (DB) Request for Proposal (RFP) Template with ...

      If the software architecture has a particular structure dedicated to SOUP integration, it can be described here. For example a wrapper of the SOUP, or an external process + a socket communication, … Requirements traceability. Add a table with traceability of components of this document with functional requirements. Requirement Component Comment REQ-001. The device shall do foo COMPO-001: foo ...

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