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    • [DOCX File]Microsoft Learn

      Students receive developer tools at no cost — everything needed to create apps, games, and websites. Azure Labs Services : Easily set up and provide on-demand access to preconfigured virtual machines (VMs) to support your students. Teach a class, run a hackathon or a hands-on lab, and more. Azure for Students: If your academic institution did not purchase a Volume Licensing (VL) agreement ...

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    • [DOC File]Literacy Action Plan Template - Mrs. Ashley Reading

      2011-08-24 · (Student selects best piece and reflects on why) 5 Sept. 6-9 (Informative, explanatory) February 6th (Informative Explanatory) June 4th (Informative explanatory) All are completed in 2 hours: plan and write, edit and revise/ turn in final. All pieces must introduce topic clearly, use at least 3 supporting ideas/details Feb. scoring 6 Nov. 4 (Narrative, suing sensory details) March 9 ...

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    • [DOC File]Sample Test Questions -- Test 1

      Here is a stemplot of the scores of Bob the Bowler’s last 18 bowling games, made by Minitab. Use this graph for questions 1-3. Stem-and-leaf of Bowling N = 18. Leaf Unit = 1.0. 1 9 4. 1 10 . 1 11 . 2 12 8. 4 13 12. 7 14 346 (6) 15 147799. 5 16 01445. 1. What is the best description for the shape of this graph? a) Bell/Mound-shaped . b) Skewed to the left ...

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    • [DOC File]Activity – Communication Style Self-Assessment

      On each line, read the 4 choices, and select (by placing a checkmark) the word or phrase that is most descriptive of you. There is no such thing as a ‘best’ style, so do not choose what sounds ‘best’. Choose one per line working from left to right, going across. 1.__ Like to analyze __ Like to interact __Like to Decide __Like to Explore ...

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    • [DOC File]Sample role play siutaion:

      So you do your best not to let it get to you. Do the job, go along with the flow, don’t get in anyone’s way, and try to leave it behind at the end of the day. And you’ve got your little business on the side. It’s not much of a money-maker, more a hobby really. But it’s a way to charge a few of your personal expenses to the business, and get a bit of a tax break. Besides, it’s fun ...

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    • [DOC File]Teaching Naked:

      The best gift of new technologies is the ability to leave the tyranny of content online and focus class time on student learning. Sadly, we have often embraced the least interactive forms of new technology (i.e. powerpoint lectures), but the future success of residential higher education depends upon face-to-face interaction with students. The future of both technology and class time is ...

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