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    • [DOCX File]SimplyMap: A Resource for Mapping Data

      You plan to open a bookstore somewhere in Florida that is targeted to sophisticated young singles (ages 18 to 24) and features a full-service coffee bar. Explore the variables that could help you pin down a …

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    • [DOC File]Social Studies - Saginaw Valley State University

      Have them browse the markets of the other children to see what is available. Divide the class in half. Tell one half they are to be consumers for the first time period, while the other half of the class will be the …

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      Local Import ”. You will get the following screen. Click on “ Browse ”. This will take you to your computer file system. Find the file that you have previously saved, and click on “ Upload file ”. The following …

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    • [DOC File]Washington Report – May, 2004

      All people with Medicare who do not receive prescription drug coverage through Medicaid are eligible for a Medicare-Approved Drug Discount Card. Medicare beneficiaries whose incomes are below 135 percent of the federal poverty limit ($12,569 for singles …

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      The 69th annual convention of the National Federation of the Blind is being held in Michigan at the Detroit Marriott® at the Renaissance Center. As usual, our hotel rates are very good: singles and doubles …

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