Causes of cerebral salt wasting

    • [DOC File]Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences

      Cerebral Salt Wasting Syndrome. CSW means that the body is excreting salt in the urine. Salt has a high osmotic action so carries water with it. This results in a large diuresis in addition to a low serum sodium. The patient will be dehydrated, confused, hypotensive and deteriorating.

      cerebral salt wasting labs

    • [DOC File]Hyponatraemia in Primary Care

      Causes include delayed cerebral ischaemia (DCI), hydrocephalus, cerebral oedema, fevers, seizures and electrolyte abnormalities. The onset of symptoms is typically seen between 3 and 14 days post-SAH, but not usually earlier.

      cerebral salt wasting syndrome

    • [DOC File]Neurological assessment of head injuries using the Glasgow ...

      The various fonns of 21 hydroxylase deficiency are by far the most common cause of of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Clinical manifestations include excessive androgen production with masculization of the extemal genitalia and various degrees of salt wasting, depending on the fonn of the deficiency. d. side chain cleavage enzyme deficiency

      management of cerebral salt wasting

    • [DOC File]Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy in Children

      Causes: Decreased intake or absorption (malnutrition, malabsorption, diarrhea, NG aspiration) Increased excretion (hypercalcemia, osmotic diuresis, hyperparathyroidism) Drugs (loop diuretics, aminoglycosides, amphotericin, cisplatin, cyclosporine, alcohol, pentamidine)

      renal salt wasting

    • [DOC File]OCR Document .edu

      Chronic hypomagnesemia causes potassium wasting. GI losses (diarrhea, emesis, NG suction, ileostomy drainage, etc.) Alterations in serum [K+] unrelated to I & O are the result of : Rapid changes in pH “Alkalosis drives K into cells” “Acidosis pulls K out of cells.” In general, a 0.1 unit change in pH yields a 0.6 mEq/L change in serum [K+].

      what is cerebral salt wasting

    • [DOC File]SALT SYNDROMES - Stony Brook Medicine

      This "cerebral salt-wasting syndrome" clears over the course of 1 to 2 weeks and, in the setting of SAH, should not be treated with free-water restriction as this may increase the risk of stroke (see below). LABORATORY EVALUATION AND IMAGING (FIG. 349-14) The hallmark of aneurysmal rupture is blood in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

      cerebral salt wasting lab values

    • Cerebral Salt Wasting - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

      Adrenal insufficiency (hyponatremic salt wasting) – cerebral salt wasting. Decr pit fx with decr ACTH (cortisol normally suppresses ADH) Therapy. Watch VS/UOP/USG/lytes. Fluid restriction to insensibles + output. Seizures sec to decr Na ( give 3% NaCl (513 meq/L) corrected to a sodium of 125 (½ in first 10 minutes, ½ in 2 hrs) CPM. Too ...

      cerebral salt wasting pathophysiology

    • [DOC File]Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine - 16th Ed

      Cerebral salt wasting. Extra Renal loss; D&V. Burns. Bowel obstruction. Pancreatitis. Hypothyroid. Addison’s* SiADH. Admission may be required. Stop causative medications. Rehydrate and cause specific treatment. Admit if symptomatic or severe. Treat with fluid restriction. Urgent referral to endocrinology . Treatment is cause specific

      cerebral salt wasting treatment

    • [DOC File]notebook facts- for PALM - Stanford Medicine

      Non-traumatic causes: Ruptured aneurysm (85%) Less common causes: Mycotic aneurysms . Arteriovenous malformations. Bleeding disorders ... Rarely associated with a focal deficit. Complications: Hydrocephalus. Cardiac & respiratory complications. Spasm. Cerebral salt wasting. Rebleeding. Workup: CT head (90% sensitive) Lumbar puncture ...

      cerebral salt wasting labs


      o Salt-wasting nephropathy. o Cerebral salt-wasting syndrome seen in patients with traumatic brain. injury, aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage, and intracranial surgery. o Prolonged exercise in a hot environment, especially in patients who. hydrate aggressively with …

      cerebral salt wasting syndrome

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