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      The State of Florida requires the most economical and efficient means of travel. We do recognize that the most economical or efficient means of travel does not always mean the cheapest means. We attempt to balance these sometimes competing views. An approved TA is required before any travel arrangements

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    • [PDF File]The State of Florida requires the most economical and ...

      Experience will show you that MOST optimization problems will begin with two equations. One equation is a "constraint" equation and the ... Find the radius, r, and height, h, of the most economical can. Let r be the radius (in m) and h be the height (in m). ... cars and at what time t does the minimum distance occur? 6

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    • [PDF File]The State of Florida requires the most economical and ...

      economical than letting the living space cool until the thermostat lights up the furnace burners at full throttle to bring the house back up to temperature, in much the same way as freeway driving gives you better gas mileage than stop-and-go city driving. A final advantage to today's gas stoves, fireplaces and inserts is the flame display.

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      In 1994, King County built a bioengineered bank stabilization project on the Middle Green River at the site of John Hamakami’s Strawberry Farm. The site was designed at a time when the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Muck-leshoot tribal fisheries groups, and King County ecologists were realizing that the continued place-

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      The State of Florida requires the most economical and efficient means of travel. We do recognize that the most economical or efficient means of travel does not always mean the cheapest means. We attempt to balance these sometimes competing views. An approved Travel Request is …

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