Cisco show commands cheat sheet

    • [PDF File]Essential Cisco IOS Commands - Internetwork Training

      Router#show version - Shows information about the router, including the configuration register ... Router(config)#enable password cisco - Set the enable password to cisco Router(config)#enable secret cisco123 - Set the enable secret password to cisco123 ... Switch IOS Commands Switch#dir flash: - Displays the contents of flash memory Page 5

    • [PDF File]Cisco IOS Quick Reference Cheat Sheet

      Cisco IOS Quick Reference Cheat Sheet 2.1 3 of 4 S# show port-security address S# show port-security interface [fa0/1] S# show mac-address-table

    • [PDF File]Command Prompt Cheatsheet - Columbia University

      Windows Command Prompt Cheatsheet-Command line interface (as opposed to a GUI - graphical user interface)-Used to execute programs-Commands are small programs that do something useful-There are many commands already included with Windows, but we will use a few.-A filepath is where you are in the filesystem• C: is the C drive • C:\user\Documents is the Documents folder

    • [PDF File]Cheatsheet Packet Tracer/Cisco IOS

      Show commands ip address show dev //view the layer 3 (network) configurationof the interface ip link show dev //view the layer 2 (data link) configuration of the interface netcat ip route show ip neighbor show //view the ARP table netstat Example: //prints network connectionsip a s dev eth0 ip l s dev veth-red - ip r s ...

    • [PDF File]Cisco IOS Commands Cheat Sheet - Weebly

      Cisco IOS Commands Cheat Sheet _ 11/11/2020 After power-on or reload (reboot): • New, unconfigured device: no login credentials requested, answer ‘n’ to question about configuration, will then be presented with unprivileged console user prompt “>”

    • [PDF File]CCNA Command Quick Reference

      Cisco Discovery Protocol 27 Telnet 28 ping 30 traceroute 32 Chapter 5 Managing Cisco IOS Software 33 Boot System Commands 33 Configuration Register 33 Cisco IOS Software Prerelease 12.0 Commands Versus Cisco IOS Software 12.x Commands 34 Backing Up Configurations 34 Restoring Configurations 35 Backing Up IOS to a TFTP Server 35

    • Basic Cisco IOS Commands Cheat Sheet by Tamaranth ...

      Title: Basic Cisco IOS Commands Cheat Sheet by Tamaranth - Created Date: 20190221191557Z

    • [PDF File]COMMAND LINE CHEAT SHEET - Cisco Networking Academy

      show mfib/mrib route show multicast route show mfib/mrib route display multicast routing-table - show multicast statistics - display multicast flow-statistic show pim interface show pim interfaces show router pim interfaces display pim interface show pim neighbor show pim interfaces show router pim neighbor display pim neighbor

    • [PDF File]Quick Reference Interface Configuration Commands

      Performs the following commands: show version, show environment, show module, show run, show hardware, show interface, show accounting log, show process, show license, and show system health. switch# tac-pac Creates a gzip file (show_tech_o ut.gz) on the volatile file system of the show tech details command. This file is then stored in volatile ...


      Below is list of commands generally used in Cisco platforms and their equivalent Huawei CLI command set.This is quite helpful especially for Cisco networking Engineers who face challenge when introduced to a new Huawei device for configuration – HUAWEI CISCO EQUIVALENT COMMANDS –CLI CHEATSHEET CISCO COMMAND HUAWEI COMMAND ping Ping

    • [PDF File]Basic Cisco Commands - Weber State University

      Basic Cisco Commands By Marcus Nielson (2014) Configuring Basic Switch Settings (Switch Examples) Enter enable if the prompt has changed back to Switch>. Switch> enable Switch# Enter global configuration mode. Switch# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch(config)#

    • [PDF File]Quick Reference Guide for Cisco CLI

      EMC Corporation, Technology Solutions Cisco CLI Quick Reference 05/12/03 Page 2 of 2 Port / Interface commands • show interface = shows information on all ports (or per port: fc1/1 = slot 1 / port 1) • show interface status = shows status/mode information on all ports nsshow = • (config-if) # shutdown = takes port offline

    • [PDF File]Cisco Catalyst 2.2.25 Release Command Reference - Cisco

      Contents iv Catalyst 2960 Switch Command Reference OL-8604-01 archive tar 2-9 archive upload-sw 2-12 auto qos voip 2-14 boot boothlpr 2-18 boot config-file 2-19 boot enable-break 2-20 boot helper 2-21 boot helper-config-file 2-22 boot manual 2-23 boot private-config-file 2-24 boot system 2-25 channel-group 2-26 channel-protocol 2-29 class 2-30 class-map 2-32 clear dot1x 2-34 clear eap 2-35

    • Cisco CLI Comprehensive Commands Cheat Sheet by boogie ...

      Verifi cation Commands R1# show ip route displays routing table R1# show ip interface R1# show ip interface brief displays the interface config ura tions R1# show runnin g-c onfig R1# show interface s0/0/0 R1# show interface f0/0 R1# show interface g0/0 R1# show version displays IOS info and previous method of restart R1# show mac addres s-t ...

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