Diarrhea smells sour

    • [DOC File]Initial Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Visit


      Sour taste in mouth Thyroid problems Allergies. ... Diarrhea Seizures Easy bruising. Vomiting/spitting up Dizziness Swollen lymph nodes. ... Is your child’s stool malodorous (smells awful)? Yes No. What is …

      poop smells really bad

    • [DOCX File]journals.sagepub.com


      Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea. k. Sore throat. Section 3. Oral hygiene. ... 23. Do you feel a change in your sense of taste-sour? 24. Do you feel a change in your sense of taste- sweet? ... 29.1. Is your perception of smells …

      sour smelling stool in adults

    • [DOC File]Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition


      Poor appetite Irregular heart beat Diarrhea . Fatigue Blood pressure problems Constipation (hard OR infrequent stool) Reflux. Eyes Breathing/Lungs/Chest ... Sour taste in mouth Hair loss Nipple discharge. ... (smells …

      diarrhea that smells bad

    • [DOC File]Mishicot Agriscience


      The manure resembles steamy hot brown water and smells…well, it smells just awful, really just awful. Rancid tuna might be a start of the description. This is a less fun diagnosis. Sample 4: acidosis can also cause a diarrhea-like condition but will be a little less sloppy, and the feces will have sour …

      why does my poop smell sweet

    • [DOC File]Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition


      Sour taste in mouth Thyroid problems Allergies. ... Diarrhea Seizures Easy bruising. Vomiting/spitting up Dizziness Swollen lymph nodes. ... Is your child’s stool malodorous (smells awful)? Yes No. What is …

      chemical smelling diarrhea

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