Diseases that smoking causes

    • [DOC File]SMOKING - Kareem Gouda


      In adults, cigarette smoking causes heart disease and stroke. Studies have shown that early signs of the blood vessel damage present in these diseases can be found in adolescents who smoke. Starting smoking at an early age greatly increases the risk of lung cancer.

      what diseases can you get from smoking

    • [DOC File]Chapter 7: Physical Disorders and Health Psychology


      China and smoking cessation programs – Getting children involved . Stanford three community study – Success in reducing risk of heart disease; focused on smoking, diet, blood pressure and weight reduction. Summary of Physical Disorders and Health Psychology . Psychological Factors Play a Major Role in Physical Disorders

      smoking diseases list

    • [DOCX File]Paxson Science


      Causes of Lung Disease: Particulate matter, Allergens, Mutagens and carcinogens. Lung Diseases. Obstructive diseases: general class of lung diseases caused by inhaling particulate matter. Chronic Bronchitis. Causes: Tar from cigarette smoke builds up in trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles

      lung diseases caused by smoking

    • [DOC File]Tobacco-Related Diseases


      What causes lung cancer? Smoking damages the cells that line the lungs. Inhaling cigarette smoke full of cancer-causing substances changes the lung tissue almost immediately. At first your body may be able to repair this damage. But with each repeated exposure, normal …

      diseases smoking can cause

    • [DOC File]Smoking Cessation – Managed Care model


      Causes of death were coded with the International Classification of Diseases, volume 9. Smoking status was not updated at follow-up, so some participants classified as smokers, due to their status at base-line interview, likely quit smoking during the follow-up period, and some former smokers (at base-line) may have resumed smoking.

      all smoking diseases are

    • [DOC File]Smoking Questionnaire


      U.S. Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona today released a new comprehensive report on smoking and health, revealing for the first time that smoking causes diseases in nearly every organ of the body. This newest report finds that cigarette smoking is conclusively linked to diseases such as leukemia, cataracts, pneumonia and cancers of the cervix, kidney, pancreas and stomach.

      heart disease causes



      Smoking is now the Number 1 killer and causes more morbidity and mortality than any single disease. The projection is that COPD will be among the top three causes of death globally over the next decade. Unfortunately, most smokers learn the morbid tale too late and quit only when either prolonged persistent cough or never-ending phlegm ...

      smoking diseases copd

    • [DOC File]][ Opening ][ - Englize


      The illnesses that smoking can cause, like lung diseases or cancer, do cause weight loss - but that's not a very good way for people to fit into their clothes! Another reason people start smoking is because their family members do. Most adults who started smoking in their teens never expected to become addicted.

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