Divided by 7

    • What is 7 less than a number?

      number plus three number minus seven Seven less than a number equals ten. Three times a number is negative six. Eight is the same as twice a number. Twelve added to a number yields five. Nine less a number amounts to twenty.

    • How do you find the remainder of a number if divided BYN?

      Just subtract 40 (2 times 20) from 52. A simple consequence is this: Any number is congruent modnto its remainder when divided byn.Forifa=nq+r, the above result shows thata rmodn. Thus for example, 23 2 mod 7 and 1033 mod 10. For this reason, the remainder of a numberawhen divided bynis calledamodn.

    • How do you write a division?

      Progression in Written Methods for Division There are 3 standard methods of writing division operations: • 6 ÷ 3 = 2 • 3)6˚ •6= 2 3 Be aware that children often find the various symbolic notations used for confusing because of the different locations of the numbers involved.

    • Should Division be interpreted as equal sharing?

      It is important that children are made aware that it is not always appropriate nor is it always possible to interpret division as equal sharing. For example, 8 ÷ 0·2 or 8 ÷ both become nonsense if interpreted as equal sharing because the number of groups into which items are shared would not be a whole number.

    • [PDF File]Translating Words into Algebra - Leeward Community College


      7 times y 7y The product of x and y xy 5 multiplied by y 5y one-fifth of p 1 5 p Division Divide, divides, divided by, the quotient of, the ratio of, equal amounts of, per ÷ Divide x by 6 x 6 or x ÷6 7 divides x x 7 or x ÷7 7 divided by x 7 x or 7 ÷x

    • [PDF File]Congruences - University of Toronto Department of Mathematics


      Theorem 1: Every integer is congruent ( mod m) to exactly one of the numbers in the list :- 0, 1, 2, ....... (m - 2), (m -1). Proof: From a theorem in Divisibility, sometimes called Division Algorithm, for every integer a, there exist unique integers q and r such that a = qm + r, with 0 £ r < m. This shows a - r = qm or m| (a - r).

    • [PDF File]3 Congruence - New York University


      A simple consequence is this: Any number is congruent mod n to its remainder when divided by n.Forifa = nq +r, the above result shows that a r mod n. Thus for example, 23 2 mod 7 and 103 3 mod 10. For this reason, the remainder of a number a when divided by n is called a mod n. In EXCEL, as in many spreadsheets, this is written "MOD(a,n)." If

    • [PDF File]Math Definitions: Introduction to Numbers


      8 divided by 4 = 8 ÷ 4 = 8/4 = 2 . Divided into To use a number to cut another number into smaller parts (÷) 3 divided into 12 = 12/3 = 4 Divisor The second number in a division; the number you are dividing by; the bottom number when division is written as a fraction. In 8 ÷ 4, the divisor is 4

    • [PDF File]Multiplication &amp; Division - The Mathematics Shed


      The Relationship between Multiplication and Division 7 Progression in Teaching Multiplication and Division 8 General Summary of Progression 8 Prior Experience Required for Learning about Multiplication & Division 8 Progression in Multiplication 8 Progression in Division 9 Establishing Initial Understanding of Multiplication 9



      7 divided by Ten divided by a number 10 x the ratio of The ratio of a number to fifteen x 15 Powers ( xn) the square of; squared The square of a number; a number squared x2 the cube of; cubed The cube of a number; a number cubed x3 Equals ( = ) equals Seven less than a number equals ten. x − 7 = 10 is Three times a number is negative six. 3x ...

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