English pronunciation audio

    • [DOC File]Free Web Sites for English Pronunciation-


      Learn English with Teacher Joe. This site was written by an English teacher for students in China. It provides jokes, proverbs, and famous American sayings. In addition, there are interesting audio exercises that require you to listen and respond to rapid English. Also, you can practice conversation skills with questions and answers (without ...

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    • [DOC File]Pronunciation: Rhythm And Intonation


      Santa Monica College. Course Outline For ENGLISH FOR SECOND LANGUAGE SPEAKERS 14B, Pronunciation: Rhythm And Intonation . Course Title: Pronunciation: Rhythm And Intonation Units: 3 Total Instructional Hours (usually 18 per unit): 54 Hours per week (full semester equivalent) in Lecture: 3 In-Class Lab: 0 Arranged: 0 Date Submitted: May 2011 Date Updated: March 2014 Transferability: …

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    • [DOCX File]Gobierno de Canarias


      . On this website we can find different options, vowels, consonants, diphthongs, etc., so that we can click on any option and begin to listen to the sounds and see the phonemes. F

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    • [DOC File]home | TESOL SPAIN | Teachers of English to Speakers of ...


      Teaching the Pronunciation of English as a Lingua Franca. Robin Walker (2010, Oxford University Press) 224pp. ISBN 978-0-19-442200-0. Review by Daniel Barber. Daniel Barber is an ELT teacher, trainer and course book writer based in Cadiz, Spain. Contact: danieljamesbarber72@gmail.com

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    • [DOC File]References


      Students’ attitudes towards English teachers’ accents: The interplay of accent familiarity, comprehensibility, intelligibility, perceived native speaker status, and acceptability as a teacher. In T. Isaacs & P. Trofimovich (Eds.), Second language pronunciation assessment: Interdisciplinary perspectives (pp. 121-140).

      pronunciation exercises

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