History fair topic ideas

    • [PDF File]What is an Exhibit?


      Metro History Fair. Projects registered as “NHD eligible” will be assessed on how well their project integrates the NHD theme. For 2020, Chicago Metro History Fair and Illinois History Day will no longer require local historical topics. Students may research, create, and enter only one project each year.

    • [PDF File]Sample’Social’Studies’Fair’Topics - Weebly


      Sample’Social’Studies’Fair’Topics Page%2%of%7 Horror%through%the%Middle%Passage How%Accessible%are%Henry%County%Buildings%to%People%with%Disabilities?

    • [PDF File]Wisconsin Topic List 2017 2018


      More Ideas: To discover even more Wisconsin topic ideas, visit your local library or historical society or explore our website. We have listed printed and online resources that have many potential topics to offer. Conflict and Compromise in History Wisconsin history is full of interesting people, events, and

    • [PDF File]Read this list of 200 science-fair project ideas. Circle ...


      Read this list of 200 science-fair project ideas. Circle all of the ones that sound interesting to you. 1. How does the temperature of a tennis ball affect the height of its bounce? 2. How does the air pressure of a soccer ball affect how far it travels when kicked? 3. Does a …

    • [PDF File]COMMERCIAL - National History Day


      Each year National History Day uses a theme to provide a lens to study history. The theme is always broad enough so that you can select topics from any place (local, national, or world history) and any time period. Once you choose your topic, you investigate historical context, historical significance, and the topic’s relationship to the theme by

    • [PDF File]* Denotes topics that may be more challenging to research ...


      U.S. History/English 302 Research Paper Topic List The following is a list of possible research paper topics. A research paper is not a report. Instead, it must deal with a specific issue, and should prove a specific thesis. The following topics provide ideas for the focus of a paper, but they are not thesis statements. Remember to be



      Every year the Social Studies Fair frames students’ research within a historical theme. The theme is chosen by the National History Day (NHD) Foundation for the broad application to world, national, or state history and its relevance to ancient history or to the more recent past. This year’s theme is TRIUMPH AND TRAGEDY in History. The ...



      National History Day 201 | 11 EUROPEAN HISTORY SAMPLE TOPICS • The Triumph of Gutenberg’s Printing Press • Nazi Art Looting During World War II • The Crusades: A Tragedy of Religious Proportion • The Battle of Bosworth Field: The End to the Wars of the Roses • Edict of Nantes: Triumph or Tragedy? • Triumph and Tragedy of the French Resistance

    • [PDF File]CHICAGO METRO HISTORY FAIR Triumph and Tragedy Topics …


      CHICAGO METRO HISTORY FAIR Triumph and Tragedy Topics List We’re giving you many broad topics – it is up to you to read more and dig deeper to narrow the topic and find the story you want to tell. Consider starting your investigations with a keyword search in the Encyclopedia of Chicago

    • [PDF File]Sample NHD Exhibits With Ideas and Tips


      Sample NHD Exhibits With Ideas and Tips National History Day in Wisconsin . ... –A visual representation of your research and interpretation of your topic’s significance in history. ... science fair project, but this isn’t a requirement. Exhibits sometimes take on

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