How is influenza transmitted


      2. Explain how the influenza virus is transmitted. 3. Identify common signs and symptoms of an influenza infection. 4. Identify the differences between the cold and the flu. 5. Identify possible complications of an influenza infection. 6. Identify signs and symptoms that indicate the need to see a physician . 7.

      what causes the flu virus

    • [DOC File]UNDERSTANDING INFLUENZA - Continuing Education for ...

      Influenza is a very common infectious disease caused by the influenza virus. Influenza is primarily transmitted by inhalation of infected respiratory droplets that are exhaled when an infected person cough, sneezes, or talks. Transmission of influenza can also happen by hand-to-mouth contact when environmental surfaces are contaminated.

      how is the flu spread

    • [DOC File]Instructor Notes, Session 7, Section 2 Public Health - FEMA

      Influenza is generally transmitted (spread) by waterborne or aerosolized droplets. These are small droplets that are expelled during breathing, coughing or sneezing, or some other mechanical means. These may also be called aerosolized or airborne droplets.

      contact vs droplet flu

    • [DOCX File]Introduction - USC Environmental Health & Safety

      Influenza A viruses are transmitted from person to person via droplets generated when sneezing, coughing, and speaking; also direct and indirect (fomites) contact with infectious aerosols. This virus is highly communicable and laboratory-associated infections occur when new strains showing antigenic shift or drift are introduced into the lab for research purposes.

      what is the flu

    • [DOCX File]Infection with High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses

      birds, of low pathogenicity avian influenza viruses that have been proven to be transmitted naturally to humans with severe consequences is notifiable in accordance with Article 1.1.3. Article 10.4.21.

      how is influenza spread

    • [DOC File]INFLUENZA - Dignity Care

      Rare influenzas that can be transmitted from animal to human are Avian influenza (H5N1) and Swine influenza (subtype A SIV) Avian Flu is transmitted between the bird populations. In August of 2012 an epidemic of Avian Flu wiped out some 1,000,000 chickens in Mexico, leading to a meat and egg shortage.

      airborne transmission influenza

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