How is stomach bug spread

    • [PDF File]Norovirus Illness: Key Facts -

      Norovirus—the stomach bug Norovirus is a highly contagious virus. Norovirus infection causes gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestines). This leads to diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain. Norovirus illness is often called by other names, such as food poisoning and stomach flu. It is true that noroviruses can cause food ...

    • [PDF File]HelpPrevent the Spreadof Norovirus (“Stomach Bug”)

      Norovirus (“Stomach Bug”) IF NOROVIRUS IS AFFECTING YOUR COMMUNITY, HERE ARE SOME ACTIONS YOU CAN TAKE TO HELP PREVENT FURTHER ILLNESS 1 Clean up surfaces a. Clean frequently touched surfaces with soapy water b. Rinse thoroughly with plain water c. Wipe dry with paper towels d. Dispose of paper towels 2 Disinfect surfaces a. Prepare and ...

    • [PDF File]Prevent Norovirus (Stomach Bug) Infection

      14-02-2014 · Prevent Norovirus (Stomach Bug) Infection An outbreak of norovirus (stomach bug) occurred on the Appalachian Trail in TN/NC last spring. Help prevent one in 2014! Proper hygiene—especially hand washing with soap and water—is key to preventing the spread of the disease. (Hand sanitizers may not be effective against norovirus.) Also, be

    • [PDF File]Help Preventt he Spread of Norovirus (“Stomach Bug”)

      Help Preventt he Spread of Norovirus (“Stomach Bug”) IF NOROVIRUS IS AFFECTING YOUR COMMUNITY, HERE ARE SOME ACTIONS YOU CAN TAKE TO HELP PREVENT FURTHER ILLNESS 1 Clean up surfaces a. Clean frequently touched surfaces with soapy water b. Rinse thoroughly with plain water c. Wipe dry with paper towels d. Dispose of paper towels 2 aDisinfect ...

    • [PDF File]Clean-up and Disinfection for Norovirus (“Stomach Bug”)

      Clean-up and Disinfection for Norovirus (“Stomach Bug”) THESE DIRECTIONS SHOULD BE USED TO RESPOND TO ANY VOMITING OR DIARRHEA ACCIDENT 1 Clean up a. Remove vomit or diarrhea right away! • Wearing protective clothing, such as disposable gloves, apron and/or mask, wipe up vomit or diarrhea with paper towels

    • [PDF File]Patient information factsheet Gastroenteritis - UHS

      Patient information factsheet Gastroenteritis Gastroenteritis is a very common condition which causes diarrhoea and vomiting. Gastroenteritis in adults is often caused by a virus (stomach bug) called norovirus, also known as the

    • [PDF File]Norovirus Illness: Key Facts

      Norovirus Illness: Key Facts Norovirus—the stomach bug Norovirus is a highly contagious virus. Norovirus infection causes gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestines). This leads to diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain. Norovirus illness is often called by other names, such as food poisoning and stomach flu. Noroviruses can ...

    • [PDF File]The Stomach Bug Book

      When a stomach bug caused by norovirus . strikes a child or an adult, it usually strikes fast. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. When there are many people in a setting . such as a school, illnesses can spread quickly. At any time school personnel may need to respond—whether in the classroom, on the

    • Prevent Norovirus (Stomach Bug) Infection

      12-02-2016 · Prevent Norovirus (Stomach Bug) Infection Several outbreaks of norovirus (stomach bug) have occurred on the Appalachian Trail in recent years, including 2015. Help prevent one in 2016! Proper hygiene—especially hand washing with soap and water—is key to preventing the spread of the disease. (Hand sanitizers may not be effective against ...

    • [PDF File]Help Prevent the Spread of Norovirus (“Stomach Bug”)

      Help Prevent the Spread of Norovirus (“Stomach Bug”) IF NOROVIRUS IS AFFECTING YOUR COMMUNITY, HERE ARE SOME ACTIONS YOU CAN TAKE TO HELP PREVENT FURTHER ILLNESS 1 Clean up surfaces a. Clean frequently touched surfaces with soapy water b. Rinse thoroughly with plain water c. Wipe dry with paper towels d. Dispose of paper towels 2 Disinfect ...

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