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    • [DOC File]A

      Henry Fritz, the father, was a carpenter and arrived in this country on Dec. 20, 1737 at the age of 50 years. He was a palatine trustee and servant and was listed as deceased on July 18, 1740. His wife was Maria Margaret Fritz and was 48 years old on arrival in this …

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    • [DOCX File]

      478 Pinion Drive 208-861-5945. Imperial, PA 15126 EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH, Pittsburgh, PA. Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business. Masters of Business Administration April 2012 Concentration: Operations. Fritz Family Fund Scholarship. Katz Graduate School of Business Fund for Excellence

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      (Latin: Through love and fear) Motto of German Emperor Joseph I (1705-1711). Amori finem tempus, non animus facit. 'Tis time, not the mind, that puts an end to love. Amoris vulnus idem, qui sanat, facit. The wounds of love can only be healed by the one who made them. Syrus Publilius The one who causes also cures the wound of love.

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    • [DOC File]Diverse Talent - University of Pittsburgh

      In 1917 I was asked to serve in the Sunday School Superintendency and I accepted this assignment for two years. In 1917 we bought the farm on dry creek and moved there and worked as a family partnership until July 10, 1921 when my brother Josie was killed. He was driving the team and was hit by lightning, leaving a wife and daughter.

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    • [DOC File]Surname - INGenWeb

      pinion = part of a wing. plume = decorative feather. alders = birch trees. beating off and whipping in = searching the woods for game during the hunt . dismemberment = cutting off arms and legs. tions in creative reading and writing. Section A: Reading . Read the first paragraph again. List four things we learn about the hawks. (4 marks) 2.

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    • Dedication

      G.A.R. 163 12 Unknown U.S. Soldier. Abney Hattie E Abney 55 4 -- 24 Oct 1882 Abney Henry Abney 55 5 Adams Infant J Adams 41 6 Adders Seth C Calkins 225 8 Adkins Joseph F Wade 130 10 Agar Charles C H Agar 216 1 Agar Eliza H Agar 216 4 Agar Henry H Agar 216 3 21 Jan 1870 Age 54 ys. 7 ms.

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      Professor Joseph Man Chan of the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of HK commented that the media should be given a chance to demonstrate their capability for self-regulation. Mr Kevin Sinclair, a journalist, commented that …

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    • [DOC File]Judicial Merit Selection Commission

      Feb 04, 2020 · Incidentally, both Joseph and her son, Christ, repeat the same humble words when asked to sacrifice their wills for their betrothed (Matt.1:21, 3:15). Through this mythopoetic action of extreme humility, both sexes are free to reconcile their masculine warrior-natures with feminine peace and rediscover their desire to

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    • Bucs’ record-setting specialists prove their value each week

      (c) An insurance contract existed with a named beneficiary. The owner of the policy died. The owner was under a temporary order to leave the insurance in place. Under that status a different person (wife) was the beneficiary although the decedent had the day before sent in the change. Peggy B. Williamson was the wife.

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      “The guy that hit me supposedly had his wife and two babies in the car. He came out, waving a tire iron at me. ... A mechanic later told Ford it seemed as if the rack and pinion had been intentionally damaged. ... Joseph Mazuchelli comes by John Ford’s house to drop off his LIUFON application. "...the three dogs greeted him with a chorus of ...

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