Journal of microbiology impact factor

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      African Journal of Microbiology Research Vol:5 pp:2528-2538. (IF. 0.54). Saeed Akhtar, Faqir M Anjum, Zia U Rehman and . Muhammad Riaz. (2011). Effect of zinc and iron fortification of feed on liver and thyroid function. Biological Trace Element Research (Accepted). Impact factor =1.523

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    • Journal of Clinical Microbiology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      277 journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics 3.582. 278 journal of neurophysiology 3.578. 279 advances in applied microbiology 3.571. 280 neuropsychopharmacology 3.567. 281 journal of the american society for mass spectrometry 3.540. 282 journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology 3.529

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      Journal of General and Applied Microbiology. 48, 299-308. Impact factor: 0.98. 4. Khan ST. and Ahmad M. (2002) "Comparative toxicity of some pesticides on rhizospheric microflora and wheat plant". Journal of Microbial ... International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 58, 383-386. Impact factor: 2.11.

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      , Ali, N. and Hameed, A., 2012. Isolation and screening of protease producing thermophilic Bacillus strains from different soil types of Pakistan. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 6(8), pp.1663-1668 (Impact factor 0.539).

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    • [DOC File]Shams Tabrez Khan - KSU

      Journal of Clinical Microbiology 47(5):1503-1509. Impact factor: 4.126. Manos J, Arthur J, Rose B, Bell S, Tingpej P, Hu H, Webb J, Kjelleberg S, Gorrell MD, Bye P, Harbour C. (2009) Gene expression characteristics of a cystic fibrosis epidemic strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa during biofilm and planktonic growth. FEMS Microbiology Letters 292 ...

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      Pakistan Journal of Botany, (Accepted) (impact factor: 0.52) Sobiya Shafique, Rukhsana Bajwa and Shazia Shafique, 2010. Condition Stabilization for Aspergillus niger FCBP-198 and its hyperactive mutants to yield high titres of α-amylase. Microbiology, 79 (3): 301-306. (impact factor: 0.638)

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      [Impact Factor – 2.730; the journal is placed 55th in the list o f 159 journals in the field of Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology, and the article is cited 11 times by others]. Harel A S, Inger I S, Strichman-Almashanu L S, Safran M C, and Lancet, D PI.

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      Research Papers (SCI journal only) : Poster/oral/abstract in conferences/symposia : ... Indicate impact factor of the papers publication. Contribution made by the nominee to strengthen the APSSA (Only for award at Sl No. 3). PART II. Proofs and details of achievements (Only List of documents. To be filled by the nominee/proposer .

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      Journal of pure and Applied Sciences. 11(2), 115-118. HEC APPROVED. Sabri, A.N., Yasmin, A., and Hasnain, S.1992, Manifestation of bacterial role in stimulating Triticum aestivum seedling growth under stressess of lead acetate and lead nitrate. Science International, 4(2):

      international microbiology impact factor

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