List of career choices


      Research Project: Working from the Pre-Research activities, students research their selected career, including post-secondary requirements, avg. salary and projected need/career opportunities, setting a SMART Goal & ID steps to reach it, Post-Secondary Action Plan, etc.

      all jobs list

    • [DOCX File]Personal Characteristics Guide Career Choices

      Investigate Your Career Choices. Once you’ve identified a career area that you’re interested in, take the time to learn as much as you can about the various careers in that field. You can learn about a career by: _____ _____ _____ Read about the Careers you’re investigating. List two places that you could find information about careers. 1 ...

      every career in the world

    • [DOC File]9th grade Career Research Project

      Employment and Community First CHOICES Career Advancement Plan Template For Person with Goal of Career Advancement. Career Advancement Includes: Promotion to New/Higher Paying Job; or Second Wage Job; or Wage Job in Addition to Self-Employment; or Another Form of Advancement Approved on a Case-by-Case Basis by the MCO

      top 10 career choices

    • [DOCX File]Pre-Research Activities:

      Oct 01, 2016 · Your list will be saved. Your career list will appear again. Your top matches are at the top of the list. Choose . two careers. to explore from near the top of your list to complete the following pages. You can select one from the list and another of your choice .Use the “Career” tab at the top of the screen to search for a career .

      different kind of careers

    • [DOCX File]Employment and Community First CHOICES - Career ...

      When you are finished answering all 39 questions, a list of ‘Career Suggestions’ will appear. Click on ‘Answer more questions’. Continue answering questions … and do this until completion (meaning there are no more questions to be answered). Career Search Using Career Cruising Name: Pick one career from your results list to research.

      different career choices

    • [DOC File]CHAPTER 1 Choices That Affect Income

      Step1: Complete the “career interest profiler” on naviance . Step 2: Based on the results of this choose 1 career that interests you. The career you choose may be from the results of the interest profiler. Your career choice must involve medium to extensive preparation DO NOT choose from the little to no, or some preparation columns. Step 3:

      different types of career jobs

    • The 100 Best Jobs in America | Best Jobs Rankings | US News Careers

      The Career Pathways framework is used as the organizer for integrating students’ knowledge of their personal characteristics into information about the world of work and possible career choices. Keywords: MCGP, Career Development, CD.7.A, Integration of self knowledge into life and career planning, CD.9.A. Personal Skills for Job Success ...

      different careers in life

    • [DOC File]Career Choices - Yakima School District

      List three job skills you have or plan to learn. 3. Explain how career choices may affect the amount of money a person will earn. 4. How is a job title different from a job description? 5. How are goals different from values? List one goal you have that is related to a job or career…

      different career opportunities

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