Mentee and mentor role

    • [DOC File]What it workplace mentoring - New Hampshire

      The role of the mentor: Help the mentee identify with their organization and professional environment. Be prepared to help the mentee through difficult situations. Work with the mentee to develop his/her self-confidence. Ensure communications are clear, open and reciprocal.

      mentor mentee program

    • [DOCX File]The Mentor Role: Six Behavioral Functions*

      If you’ve agreed to provide mentoring support to a new staff person, this guide is for you! It includes tips to help you achieve your goals as a mentor and set expectations, discussion topics and possible activities, and other tools and resources to make your mentoring role rewarding for you and your ‘match’ or ‘mentee.’

      mentor and mentee form

    • [DOCX File]Role of the Mentor - Peckham - Home

      Role of the Mentor. Take the lead in supporting a young person through an ongoing, one-to-one relationship. Serve as a positive role model and friend. ... Attend a two-hour one-on-one mentor/mentee session with matched mentee once per quarter. Communicate with the mentee weekly.

      mentor vs mentee

    • [DOC File]Becoming a Mentor: Role, Activities and Possible Outcomes

      The mentor serves as a role model for the mentee. What are some desirable characteristics of a mentor? A mentor should have or be willing to acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills which would enable him/her to facilitate the development of the mentee. He/she should have a variety of capabilities (Box 1) and capabilities (Box 2).

      mentor mentee templates

    • [DOCX File]Final evaluation - mentor for mentee

      –The mentee received needed information, knowledge and/or behaviors that were helpful but was not viewed by the mentor as proactive. For the most part the mentee was minimally responsive and took more of a reactive role versus being proactive and appropriately assertive in the relationship.

      topics for mentors and mentees

    • [DOCX File]Mentor Role Description

      Mentor Role Description. How it works . ... We will match you with a suitable mentee, who you will support for 9-12 months. You will only ever work with one person at a time so that you can focus on building a relationship and respond to their needs. As a mentor you are committing to following through on this relationship for the duration: we ...

      mentor and mentee tips

    • [DOCX File]Matching mentors and mentees

      Identify a mentor who works in a different role now, but has held the mentee’s role in the past. If a mentee has a job-alike mentor from outside the district, also provide an in-school mentor (albeit with a different role) to help orient the mentee to the district and school.

      mentor and mentee questionnaire

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