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    • [DOC File]Algebra II -

      -a scientific calculator (a TI-83 or TI-84 . graphing. calculator would be best) Homework. Expect homework to be assigned every class period. At the top of your homework should be your name, the date and (if out of the textbook) the assignment number. The assignment for the day will be written on the back board under “Algebra 2H.”

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    • [DOC File]MA 27 Algebra - Chandler Unified School District

      Graphing Calculator: Scientific calculator or TI-84 Graphing Calculator. Homework: The vast majority of homework assignments will be online. Students will be expected to complete the assignments listed. Homework is graded on CORRECTNESS and scored on a percentile system.

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    • [DOC File]TI Calculators and Resources

      Teachers can find information about a variety of trainings, both in person and online. The online trainings are free and cover a variety of topics including Algebra topics for the TI-83 plus and TI-84 plus, Calculus topics for the TI-83 plus and TI-84 plus, Cabri Jr. for the TI-84 plus, Scientific Data collection and Analysis and the TI-Navigator.

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    • [DOCX File]I

      Scientific calculators are allowed, but a graphing calculator (TI-83, TI-84, TI-84+) is strongly recommended. However, certain models (TI-89’s, TI-92’s, TI-Nspire, etc...) are not allowed on quizzes, tests, or exams. Course Description

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    • [DOCX File]State-Approved Calculators for SOL Tests

      A scientific calculator may not have fraction capabilities or a multi-line display. The “TI-30Xa Solar School Edition” and the “Casio FX-260 School” are unique versions of …

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    • [DOC File]Course Cover Sheet - Algebra 1 - Greeley Schools

      Calculator—scientific or graphing (TI-84 preferred) Composition book (notes) Notebook paper (assignments) Folder or section in 3-ring binder (math work only) Colored pencils or highlighters (notes and self-grading assignments) Pencil or Pen Grading System: Letter grades will be earned as follows:

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    • [DOCX File]MCAS 2020 Mathematics Calculator Policy

      Students taking the Grades 8 and 10 tests will have a scientific calculator, a TI-84 graphing calculator, and a Desmos graphing calculator embedded in the online testing platform. Students who prefer to use handheld calculators when taking the computer-based test may do so. (See . below for . handheld calculator options.)

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