Persistent cough with phlegm no fever


      cough with excessive phlegm (mucus) breathing problems such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis, or asthma . persistent or chronic cough such as occurs with smoking, asthma, or emphysema . stomach problems that persist or recur . difficulty in urination due to enlargement of the prostate gland. Ask your doctor or pharmacist before use if you are

      persistent cough with phlegm treatment

    • Since January 1993, the Massachusetts Department of Public ...

      The NIOSH HHEs found that respirable particles and fibers were present in air samples. The process of cleaning with compressed air (blow-down cleaning) resulted in the highest dust concentrations measured in the worksites and was associated with an excess of fever/aches and cough/phlegm.

      persistent cough with clear phlegm

    • [DOC File]Information for the Simulated Patient

      You have had a persistent cough for 1 month; 2 weeks ago, cough worsened and was accompanied by phlegm. You have had a fever of about 100˚ F for one week. You had some weight loss but you do not know the exact amount . Three years ago, you had a positive TB skin test; chest x-ray was negative. No medications prescribed because your doctor said ...

      deep wheezing cough no fever

    • [DOC File]Symptom / Chief Complaint

      History of non-allergic rhinitis Cough Thick yellow sputum or green phlegm. Fever > 101.5oF. Unintended weight loss. Drenching nighttime sweats. Hemoptysis. History or symptoms of chronic underlying disease associated w/cough: asthma, COPD, chronic bronchitis, CHF. Foreign object aspiration. Suspected drug-related cough. Cough > 7 days

      cough with mucus no fever

    • [DOC File]Cold and Flu

      If the child has a fever or cannot do their class work they should not be in school. See your health care provider if the cold is accompanied by the signs of a bacterial infection, such as persistent cough or a cough that produces yellow or green phlegm, high fever (102 degrees or above), pain in the ears, sinus or chest, or severe sore throat.

      coughing but no fever

    • [DOCX File]Health and dental history

      Persistent fever Thyroid condition/goiter SKIN ... Sputum production (phlegm) Bloody urine Cough up bloody sputum Venereal Disease BLOOD. YES. NO. OTHER. YES. NO…

      cough wheezing no fever

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