Python delete directory if exists

    • [PDF File]Installing GDAL for Python on Windows - Utah State University

      e. Copy proj.dll from your PROJ.4 bin directory into your GDAL bin directory. In my case, I copied C:\proj\bin\ proj.dll to C:\gdalwin32-1.6\bin\proj.dll. f. Create a new directory in your PROJ.4 nad directory and move all of the existing files in that directory into this backup directory (or just delete everything that’s in the nad directory ...

    • [PDF File]Assuring Your Directory Exists - SESUG

      Assuring Your Directory Exists Do you ever have a production job fail because the output directory does not exist? Either it needed to be set up and wasn't or someone accidently deleted it; or the path was just keyed incorrectly. If it is a night-production job, wouldn't it be better if the output was written to another

    • python-arango - Read the Docs

      # Delete the collection. db.delete_collection('students') See StandardDatabase and StandardCollection for API specification. 3.4Documents In python-arango, a document is a Python dictionary with the following properties: •Is JSON serializable. •May be nested to an arbitrary depth. •May contain lists.

    • [PDF File]TM1py Documentation - Read the Docs

      delete(path: str, application_type: Union[str, TM1py.Objects.Application.ApplicationTypes], applica-tion_name: str, private: bool = False, **kwargs)→ requests.models.Response Delete Planning Analytics application reference Parameters • path– path through folder structure to delete the applications entry. For instance: “Fi-

    • [PDF File]pysftp Documentation - Read the Docs

      It can be called with a remote directory to temporarily change to with'static'): # now in ./static sftp.chdir('here') # now in ./static/here sftp.chdir('there') # now in ./static/here/there # now back to the original current working directory Or it can be called without a remote directory to just act as a bookmark you want to return to ...

    • [PDF File]OBJECT EXIST: A Macro to Check if a Specified Object Exists

      This return code provides no feedback on the existence of the directory because the file reference will be assigned whether or not the specified directory exists, so further steps are necessary. Open the directory using a dataset function %let did = %sysfunc(dopen(&fileref)); If &did > 0 the object exists. If &did = 0 the object does not exist.

    • Gistable: Evaluating the Executability of Python Code Snippets on ... - NSF

      environment needs the Python package for matplotlib and networkx. Fourth, an environment variable, MPLBACKEND, may be needed to specify a rendering engine that is compatible with a headless VM, which does not have a graphics display. Finally, the environment needs to ensure that an /output directory exists.

    • pysftp Documentation - Read the Docs

      # now back to the original current working directory Or it can be called without a remote directory to just act as a bookmark you want to return to later. with # still in . sftp.chdir('static') # now in ./static sftp.chdir('here') # now in ./static/here # now back to the original current working directory pysftp.Connection.chmod()

    • [PDF File]Project 6 File System - Princeton University

      hierarchical directory structure • Manage disk space, as files and directories grow and shrink. • Implement commands and system calls to browse the directory structure, create new files and directories, delete them, etc. • Don’t need to worry about concurrency, permissions, or high performance.

    • Release 2.0.1 Gavin M. Roy - Read the Docs

      • auto_delete (bool) – Automatically delete when all consumers disconnect • max_length (int) – Maximum queue length • message_ttl (int) – Time-to-live of a message in milliseconds • expires (int) – Milliseconds until a queue is removed after becoming idle • dead_letter_exchange (str) – Dead letter exchange for rejected messages

    • [PDF File]Python tutorial netcdf - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

      your Python installation), or distutils (python • Begin by importing the required libraries. In [2]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # standard graphics library import xarray import as ccrs # cartographic coordinate reference system import cartopy.feature as cfeature # features such as land, borders, coastlines 1

    • [PDF File]The File System - POCO C++ Libraries

      > With POCO, you can find out whether a file or directory exists, is readable or writable, when it was created or modified or how big it is. > You can also change some of a file's attributes, rename a file, copy a file, or delete a file. > Finally, you can create empty files (in an atomic operation), and directories. Working With Files

    • [PDF File]exif Documentation - Read the Docs

      Read and modify image EXIF metadata using Python without any third-party software dependencies. For example, batch process image metadata using a Python script. Note: I developed this package in 2018 as a hobby; however, I no longer have the same bandwidth to work on this project. As always, contributions and bug fixes are welcome and appreciated.

    • [PDF File]Python - Delete File

      To delete a file in Python, you can import os package and use remove() function of the os package. In this tutorial, we will learn how to delete a file using Python programming. First we shall look into the syntax of os.remove() function.

    • [PDF File]Release 3.4.2.dev8+g4c3e679

      CHAPTER ONE INSTALLATION Theeasiest(andbest)waytoinstalljira-pythonisthroughpip: pip install jira Thiswillhandleinstallationoftheclientitselfaswellastherequirements.

    • S3Fs Documentation - Read the Docs

      S3Fs Documentation, Release 2022.11.0 S3FsisaPythonicfileinterfacetoS3.Itbuildsontopofbotocore. Thetop-levelclassS3FileSystem ...

    • [PDF File]InfluxDB Documentation - Read the Docs

      InfluxDB-Python is a client for interacting withInfluxDB. Note: This library is for use with InfluxDB 1.x. For connecting to InfluxDB 2.x instances, please use the the

    • [PDF File]pysftp Documentation - Read the Docs

      • remotedir (str) – the remote directory to copy from • localdir (str) – the local directory to copy to • preserve_mtime (bool) – preserve modification time on files(default: False) Returns None Raises getcwd() return the current working directory on the remote. This is a wrapper for paramiko’s method and not to be

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