R apply function to list

    • [PDF File]multiApply: Apply Functions to Multiple Multidimensional Arrays or Vectors


      Apply). The function can return one or a list of vectors or multidimensional arrays, optionally with dimension names which will be propagated to the final result. The returned list can optionally be named, with a name for each output, which will be propagated to the resulting array. The function can optionally be

    • [PDF File]Stata to R:: CHEAT SHEET - GitHub


      Grolemund (2017), R for Data Science. Example data comes from Wooldridge Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach. Download Stata data sets here. Rdata sets can be accessed by installing the `wooldridge` package from CRAN. All Rcommands written in base R, unless otherwise noted. ssc install outreg2 // install `outreg2` package. Note: unlike R

    • [PDF File]A quick introduction to plyr


      Base R apply functions (from a presentation given by Hadley): array data frame list nothing array apply . . . data frame . aggregate by . list sapply . lapply . n replicates replicate . replicate . function arguments mapply . mapply . 5 A general example with plyr Let’s take a simple example. Take a data frame, split it up (by year), calculate

    • [PDF File]gtools: Various R Programming Tools


      - apply a function over adjacent subsets of a vector ('running'), - modify the TCP_NODELAY ('de-Nagle') flag for socket objects, - efficient 'rbind' of data frames, even if the column names don't match ('smartbind'), - generate significance stars from p-values ('stars.pval'),

    • [PDF File]basic analyses and indexing Charles DiMaggio, PhD, MPH, PA-C


      an R function is an object (like most everything in R) that "does something" returns information processes data transforms objects conducts analyses creates other functions! ... optimized convenience function based on apply and sweep e.g. prop.table(m,1) Charles DiMaggio, PhD, MPH, PA-C (New York University Department of Surgery and Population ...

    • [PDF File]list of some useful R functions - Columbia University


      functionName - just writing the name of the function returns the function source code help with math: { ?Control - Help on control ow statements (e.g. if, for, while) { ?Extract - Help on operators acting to extract or replace subsets of vectors { ?Logic - Help on logical operators { ?regex - Help on regular expressions used in R

    • [PDF File]The R Inferno - Burns Statistics


      CONTENTS CONTENTS 8.1.45 drop data frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 8.1.46 losing row names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

    • [PDF File]Data Transformation with data.table :: CHEAT SHEET - GitHub


      for transforming data in R. It works by converting R’s native data frame objects into data.tables with new and enhanced functionality. The basics of working with data.tables are: dt[i, j, by] Take data.table dt, subset rows using i and manipulate columns with j, grouped according to by. data.tables are also data frames –functions that work ...

    • [PDF File]rlist: A Toolbox for Non-Tabular Data Manipulation


      list.apply Apply a function to each list element (lapply) Description Apply a function to each list element (lapply) Usage list.apply(.data, .fun, ...) Arguments.data A list or vector.funfunction... Additional parameters passed to FUN. list.cases 11 list.cases Get all unique cases of a list field by expression

    • [PDF File]The essential functions of R - R (for ecology)


      This is often used when you need to apply some kind of uniqueoperation several times (or within the mutate function from dplyr) and it is easier to define the operations as its own function. The ... and common function in R Arguments are any number of values separated by commas to create a vector. c(3,6,5,8,2)

    • [PDF File]Introduction to the R Language - Functions - University of California ...


      The formals function returns a list of all the formal arguments of a function Not every function call in R makes use of all the formal arguments Function arguments can be missing or might have default values The R Language. Argument Matching R functions arguments can be matched positionally or by name. So

    • [PDF File]Package ‘future.apply’


      The future.apply packages provides parallel implementations of common "apply" functions pro- vided by base R. The parallel processing is performed via the future ecosystem, which provides

    • [PDF File]A short list of the most useful R commands - University of Sydney


      A short list of the most useful R commands ... apply(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...) #applies the function (FUN) to either rows (1) or columns (2) on object X apply(x,1,min) #finds the minimum for each row ... #not standard R, but uses a function found in useful.r . matplot biplot ())

    • [PDF File]future.apply: Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures


      future_eapply Apply a Function over a List or Vector via Futures Description future_lapply() implements base::lapply() using futures with perfect replication of results, regardless of future backend used. Analogously, this is true for all the other future_nnn() func-tions. Usage future_eapply(env,

    • [PDF File]Example of MLE Computations, using R - University of Kentucky


      The log likelihood function is X − (X i −µ)2 2σ2 −1/2log2π −1/2logσ2 +logdX i (actually we do not have to keep the terms −1/2log2π and logdX i since they are constants. In R software we first store the data in a vector called xvec xvec

    • [PDF File]R - Apply Function to each Element of a Matrix - Tutorial Kart


      FUN is the function to be applied on the element(s) of x Apply Function on each Element of a Matrix In this example, we will take a 2D matrix. Write a function to increment the argument by 2. Then apply the function on all elements of the matrix. applyExample.r M = matrix(c(1:12), ncol=3) incrementBy2

    • [PDF File]Apply functions with purrr : : CHEAT SHEET


      Apply function to each element at a given level of a list. Also . modify_depth(x, 2, ~.+ 2) Modify ... list function, return list list-columns a b c x y a b c x y. Created Date: 8/11/2022 6:07:31 PM ...

    • [PDF File]R Reference Card


      R Reference Card by Tom Short, EPRI PEAC, tshort@epri-peac.com 2004-11-07 Granted to the public domain. See www.Rpad.org for the source and latest ... generic function to combine arguments with the default forming a vector; with recursive=TRUE descends through lists combining all

    • [PDF File]rrapply: Revisiting Base Rapply - cran.r-project.org


      Description The minimal 'rrapply'-package contains a single function rrapply(), providing an ex-tended implementation of 'R'-base rapply() by allowing to recursively apply a function to ele-ments of a nested list based on a general condition function and including the possibil-ity to prune or aggregate nested list elements from the result.

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