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      There are a large number of RSS reader software applications available [2] and several different models. An example of a scrolling RSS ticker is shown above [3]. RSSxpress [4] (illustrated right) is an example of a Web-based reader which embeds an RSS feed in a Web page.

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    • [DOC File]Using the NewsGator Feed Reader

      Baylor Libraries’ RSS Info Page Visit our RSS page to learn more about RSS. Be sure to follow the link to our Recommended Feeds Page to add local and Baylor news, library information, and recent table of contents for some of your favorite journals.

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    • [DOC File]Using the NewsGator Feed Reader

      If you’re using an RSS reader that’s separate from your browser, notice that the story may be displayed in your browser’s window and not in the RSS reader. You may need to remind your students that they will be switching between the two applications as they use the MPR RSS feed or Weblog.

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    • [DOC File]\slideheading{Ozna\v{c}evanje -- SGML}

      Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91) RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 y 1.0) Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0) ... Agregadores como plug-ins: algunos navegadores y gestores de correo como Firefox, Nestcape, Opera, Thunderbird, etc. los incluyen en sus programas como servicio de valor añadido al usuario.

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    • [DOC File]Best Practices for RSS Marketing

      Internet Explorer and Mozilla FireFox have an RSS Reader built in and there are several specialized RSS Readers such as SharpReader, NetNewsWire, AmphetaDesk and Radio UserLand. When an RSS feed is established, it creates a link in the Reader that looks for updates on …

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    • [DOC File]An Introduction To RSS And News Feeds

      Reinforce to subscribers when you present the URL that the XML page needs to be viewed in an RSS Reader, and provide a link to directories of RSS Readers such as Yahoo, Google or Use “one-click” subscription buttons or pop-ups. Support auto-discovery of …

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    • [DOC File]Introduction and Project Ideas

      Podporo za RSS ponuja tudi spletni pregledovalnik FireFox (Mozilla) in z ustreznim vstavkom tudi MS Outlook. Z njimi se naročimo na novice in program nas, ko pride do spremembe o tem obvesti. Preprost bralnik novic, ustvarjen v Javascriptu, ki pa žal deluje le na …


    • Use Firefox as an RSS Reader with NewsFox - Make Tech Easier

      Add Google Reader to your iGoogle page. Import/Export. Share your list of feeds as an OPML file. Friends. Subscribe friends who use Google Reader to your shared feeds. Google Reader on Your Mobile Device. Baylor Libraries’ RSS Info Page. Visit our RSS page to learn more about RSS.

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