Teaching values to teens activities

    • [PDF File]Diversity Activities for - Penn State University


      How can these activities boost understanding of diversity? Learning about diversity can be fun. The activities in this publication can help participants: Recognize how we place self-imposed limits on the way we think. Discover that, in many ways, people from different cultures and back- grounds hold similar values and beliefs.

      fun activities for teens

    • [PDF File]Activity 9 : My Value System


      The R.P. then talks about the kinds of values. Values can be grouped into: 1. Human Values - Personal Values 2. Social Values Personal Values are those which guide a human being for personal growth and survival. They aim at exalting the human being to a higher plane to strive for honesty, responsibility, humanity and respect.

      teen group activities

    • [PDF File]50 Activities for Promoting Ethics within the Organization


      be reproduced for educational/training activities. There is no requirement to obtain special permission for such uses. We do, however, ask that the following statement appear on all reproductions. Reproduced from 50 Activities for Promoting Ethics Within the Organization, by Marlene Caroselli. HRD Press, 2003.

      fun printable activities for teens

    • [PDF File]Choices and Values


      importance of values in individual and group decision-making. Students are asked to link outcomes important to them with values they may hold. This activity follows the ‘Choices and Values’ one. Student Handouts – Values Prioritization, What is a Value?, Values Definition Table, …

      free printable activities for teens

    • [PDF File]Lesson Plan: A Student’s Guide to Using Social Media Safely


      Have you ever seen pictures/videos of teens with guns, drugs, or ... Videos of youth mobbing often exhibit them engaging in criminal activities such as theft, vandalism, weapons possession, harassment, and assault, among others. A Student’s Guide to Using Social Media Safely – Lesson Plan

      teen activities near me

    • [PDF File]RESPECT - Overcoming Obstacles


      why we are sharing these activities, taken from our full curriculum on life skills, with you. These activities have been taught in thousands of classrooms across the country, and we know they help young people learn the skills of RESPECT. The activities in this handbook can …

      fun indoor activities for teens

    • [PDF File]Lesson 12: Understanding Boundaries & Setting Boundaries


      Lesson 12: Understanding Boundaries & Setting Boundaries OBJECTIVES 1. Students will identify characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships 2. Students will understand how people establish and maintain clear boundaries and why boundaries are an important part of a healthy relationship. 3.

      fun teen activities near me

    • [PDF File]AND LIFE SKILLS WORKBOOK Teen Friendship Workbook


      Teenagers may question their family and/or household’s rules and values. Friends can be a positive force for teens. As people mature, they choose friends ... Because the teens completing the activities in this workbook will be asked to ... Self-assessments are important in teaching …

      core value activities for teens

    • [PDF File]I CARE Values Activity This is a very fun, engaging and ...


      I CARE Values Activity This is a very fun, engaging and introspective activity that can be used for almost any group and is ideal for students age 13 through 100! INSTRUCTIONS: It is ideal to prepare the students for the activity by involving them in some type of

      fun activities for teens

    • [PDF File]Clarifying Values


      Clarifying Values AGENDA n Starter n This or That n Valuable Squares n Being True to Yourself n Conclusion n Questions for Assessment Students will analyze how their values influence the decisions they make. Students will identify the people, possessions, activities, and future plans they value.

      teen group activities

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