Tightness in throat neck



      Swelling to the face, lips, neck, hands, feet, and tongue. Respiratory system “Lump in the throat” Tightness in the chest. High-pitched cough. Tachypnea. Labored breathing. Noisy breathing. Impaired ability to talk or hoarseness. Excessive amounts of coughed-up mucus. Partially or completely occluded airway. Difficulty in breathing ...

      tightness in throat neck chest



      neck cramps. tongue that sticks out of the mouth. tightness in the throat. difficulty breathing or swallowing. fine, worm-like tongue movements. uncontrollable, rhythmic face, mouth, or jaw movements. seizures. eye pain or discoloration. decreased vision, especially at night.

      neck tightness and dizziness

    • [DOCX File]Patient Handouts - Redemption Psychiatry, LLC


      Swelling to face, neck, hands, feet and/or tongue. Respiratory (Findings of respiratory distress may indicate a severe allergic reaction.) Patient may state he feels tightness in his throat/chest. Cough . Rapid breathing . Labored breathing. Noisy breathing . Hoarseness (losing the voice) Stridor. Difficulty swallowing. Wheezing (audible ...

      swollen throat but not sore

    • [DOC File]I


      Tired, Sore Neck Muscle Back Pain, Upper and Lower Shoulder Aches. H. THROAT PROBLEMS. Tightness of Throat. Sore Throat. I. OTHER PAIN. CURRENT MEDICATIONS / APPLIANCES / TREATMENTS BEING USED. NO PAINMODERATE PAINSEVERE PAIN. 1) Degree of current TMD pain:012345678910.

      tightness in throat and chest pain

    • [DOCX File]Patient Handouts - Redemption Psychiatry, LLC


      Tightness in throat Grating in neck Nervous stomach Diabetes. Inflammation in throat Tight shoulder muscles Stomach trouble Swelling. Thyroid trouble Neuritis-arms/shoulders Ulcers Arthritis. Face flushed Pins & needles Nerves & nervousness Slipped disc. Twitching of …

      tightness in throat and chest

    • Tightness in throat: Causes, treatments, and related conditions

      neck cramps. tightness in the throat. difficulty breathing or swallowing. tongue that sticks out of the mouth. fine, worm-like tongue movements. uncontrollable, rhythmic face, mouth, or jaw movements. seizures. decreased vision, especially in low light. Loxapine may cause other side effects. Tell your doctor if you have any unusual problems ...

      pain in chest and throat

    • [DOCX File]AAFE | American Academy of Facial Esthetics | Botox ...


      Throat-Neck- Stuffiness Bleeding Lumps ... Lumps Chest Pain/Discomfort Tightness Pain Palpitations Swelling Discharge Shortness of breath with activity Self-Exam Difficulty breathing lying down Breast-feeding Sudden awakening from sleep with shortness of breath.

      tightness on sides of neck

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