To make seem less important

    • [DOC File]EUPHEMISM - California State University, Sacramento

      Understatement--Like hyperbole, this is a type of exaggeration. Can be used to make a situation or idea seem less important than it really is. Invective – harsh, an abusive language directed against a person or a cause. Target --Who (a person or group) or what (an institution or …

      seem to be meaning

    • [DOC File]Four elements of Satire:

      c. Recreation is an important part of the American lifestyle. d. Several steps should be taken to speed up baseball games. 6. Choose the sentence that is too narrow to be an effective thesis for an essay. a. When I was eight years old, I got a parakeet. b. Wild cats do not make good house pets. c. Some people at zoos seem less civilized than ...

      making something seem less important


      make God seem less terrifying ____ 3. What contrasting images does Edwards use to describe God’s wrath in lines 6-8 and lines 15-20? a. heat and cold . b. sunlight and rain . c. darkness and light. d. fire and water ____ 4. What is the meaning of the metaphor in line 28? God is violent. God’s wrath is misdirected. God’s anger will cause ...

      seem to be meaning

    • to make something seem less important or special - synonyms ...

      May 05, 2009 · ; verb – to make something seem less important. The purpose of much campaign oratory is to belittle your opponent’s record. 3. cache; noun – a hiding place; something hidden in a hiding place. Police searched in vain for the cache of jewels which the thieves had skillfully concealed. 4. dearth; noun – shortage.

      making something seem less important

    • [DOC File]White Plains Public Schools / Overview

      The research plan, however, serves another, very important function: It contributes to your development as a scientist. Your research plan is a map for your career as a research science professional. As will become apparent later in this document, one of the functions of a research plan is to demonstrate your intellectual vision and aspirations.

      seem to be meaning

    • [DOC File]10th Grade SAT Vocabulary List 1-10

      A downplayer is a rhetorical device that “downplays” an event or fact, making it seem less important. For example, Henry had a little trouble in calculus but will make a great math teacher. (F in calculus) The euphemism “little trouble in calculus” makes the “F” seem less important.

      making something seem less important

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