United nations religion news

    • [DOC File]United Nations


      The Committee is further concerned about the use of broadly formulated crimes and administrative offences in the Criminal Code, including of articles 174 and 404, the Administrative Code, and the legislation on combating extremism to punish individuals exercising their freedom of religion and belief with severe sanctions (arts. 18, 19 and 26).

      un religion news

    • United Nations

      United Nations CCPR/C/TJK/CO/2 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Distr.: General. 22 August 2013. Original: English Human Rights Committee. Concluding observations on the second periodic report of Tajikistan* 1. The Committee considered the second periodic report of Tajikistan (CCPR/C/TJK/2) at its 2982nd and 2983rd meetings (CCPR/C/SR.2982 and CCPR/C/SR.2983), held …

      un and religion



      With the founding of the United Nations, the course for the rule of law among nations was set. And if we stay this course, the prospects are favorable. And surely, the world is a better place today than some sixty years ago. The United Nations and the advancement of the international rule of …

      united nations on religious freedom

    • United Nations

      50. Blasphemy prohibitions and other prohibitions of display of disrespect to a religion or other belief system may not be applied in a manner that is incompatible with the paragraph 3 or other provisions of the Covenant, including articles 2, 5, 18 and 26 taking into account relevant general comments including general comment No. 22.

      united nations religion 2020

    • [DOC File]United Nations


      United Nations CCPR/C/119/3 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Advance unedited version Distr.: General. 6 October 2017. English only Human Rights Committee. Consideration by the Human Rights Committee at its 117th, 118h and 119th sessions of communications received under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights*

      united nations view on religion

    • [DOC File]United Nations - CNS News


      ADVANCE UNEDITED VERSION Human Rights Committee Concluding observations on the fourth report of the United States of America * 1. The Committee considered the fourth periodic report of the United States of America (CCPR/C/USA/4 and Corr.1) at its 3044th, 3045th and 3046th meetings (CCPR/C/SR/3044, CCPR/C/SR/3045 and CCPR/C/SR/3046), held on 13 and 14 March 2014.

      end of religion united nations

    • [DOC File]United Nations - OHCHR


      “IPRA constitutes the main legal reference for IP’s human rights, but its adequate implementation is still an unfulfilled promise, particularly because it may enter into conflict with other laws… and because, according to some experts, IPRA itself contains flaws that do not favor IPs entirely.” (Press Release, Staven Hagen, UN Special ...

      religion united nations

    • United Nations

      United Nations CCPR/C/GC/34 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Distr.: General. 12 September 2011. Original: English Human Rights Committee. 102nd session. Geneva, 11-29 July 2011. General comment No. 34 . Article 19: Freedoms of opinion and expression

      united nations ban on religion

    • [DOC File]United Nations


      The United Nations human rights mechanisms continued to express concern about the situation of ethnic and religious minorities, highlighting the absence of improvement in that regard. Between January and November 2015, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran and other thematic mandate holders transmitted four ...

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