Why have a liver ultrasound

    • [DOC File]New Mexico AIDS InfoNet


      Stephen Y. Chang, M.D. June 16, 2002. THE PROCEDURE: A relatively simple bedside procedure in which one inserts a needle into the abdomen, thereby evacuating either a small amount of ascites fluid for diagnostic purposes, or large amounts of fluid for therapeutic purposes.

      reasons for ultrasound of liver

    • [DOC File]ACTIVITY 1 - Jacaranda


      Patients who already have liver problems, however, may have less hepatic reserve to enable them to cope should hepatotoxicity occur, and therefore it may be wise to avoid drugs that have a high incidence of causing liver damage (1,5,6,9). Drugs that rarely cause liver …

      ultrasound of the liver why

    • Abdominal Ultrasound

      Ultrasound is the use of sound waves to produce an image. The sound waves cannot be heard but they are sent into the body and their ‘echo’ detected again after they have …

      purpose of liver ultrasound

    • [DOC File]Paracentesis and Ascites Fluid Analysis


      It is uncommon for patients with acute cholecystitis to have co-existing gallstones on ultrasound. The finding of pain or inspiratory pause upon pressure applied directly over the gallbladder as visualized on ultrasound (sonographic Murphy’s sign) is more accurate than a …

      ultrasound on liver



      All mammalian fetuses have a large shunt (“ductus venosus”) that carries blood quickly through the fetal liver to the heart. Since the mother's liver does the work of filtering out toxins, storing sugar, and producing protein for her unborn babies, liver function is not needed in the fetus.

      sonogram of liver shows what

    • The effects of fatty deposits on the accuracy of ...

      WHY DO A BIOPSY? Even though they can be painful, liver biopsies have several benefits. They are the best way to assess liver damage. The HCV viral load test cannot show liver damage. Liver function tests (see fact sheet 671) are not a reliable way to measure liver damage. Some people with normal liver enzyme levels may still have liver damage.

      abnormal liver ultrasound causes

    • [DOC File]A 45 year old female presents with a complaint of ...


      A pregnant woman needs to have a bladder full of urine if she wishes to have a successful ultrasound of her baby. Explain why an empty bladder would make an ultrasound unsuccessful. A low intensity ultrasonic beam of 15 mW cm–2 is used to study the lens of the eye.

      liver ultrasound looks for what

    • [DOCX File]Why is the adverse effect profile of a drug relevant when ...


      All intact male dogs with recurrent urinary tract infections should have their prostate evaluated. The best method for evaluating the prostate is the ultrasound, although some information may be gained by manual examination, radiographs, and/or evaluation of the prostatic fluid.

      doctor ordered liver ultrasound

    • [DOC File]WHY Is My Dog Having Urinary Accidents


      In bitches that have not been timed for ovulation, initial ultrasound examination can be performed 3 – 4 weeks following the last breeding, but failing a positive pregnancy exam, she should be rechecked in 7 – 10 days to ensure that she did not ovulate the week after the last breeding.

      reasons for ultrasound of liver

    • [DOC File]What is a liver shunt - Yorkie Angel Patrol


      A new generation of ultrasound transient elastography (TE) systems have emerged which exploit the well-known correlation between the liver’s pathological and mechanical properties through measurements of the Young’s elastic modulus; however, little work has been carried out to examine the effect that fatty deposits may have on the TE ...

      ultrasound of the liver why

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