Worst neighborhoods in baltimore map



      majority of identified gang members in Baltimore are African American and male. Violence, including homicides, non-fatal shootings, robberies, and assaults, have been associated with gangs. Gang violence over drug territory is also a common occurrence in several Baltimore neighborhoods. Recruitment initiations include “beat-ins” and robberies.

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      BALTIMORE REGION Neighborhood change in Baltimore is marked by a major city‐suburban divide, reflecting its long and troubled history of racial segregation. In the suburbs, only about one in six residents lives in an area that has experienced either strong economic expansion or decline.

      why is baltimore so ghetto

    • [PDF File]Poverty and Social Exclusion - Johns Hopkins University


      • Baltimore is the 13 most segregated City in America 85% of Baltimore communities are racially homogeneous Redlined communities map onto persistent poverty, lack of home ownership, poor educational outcomes, and poorest health outcomes • Tools for …

      bad areas in baltimore

    • [PDF File]Neighborhood Trauma Due to Violence: A Multilevel Analysis


      Community violence, clustering in densely populated neighborhoods, creates unmanage-able stress for the families who live in them. A map of gunshots and gun fatalities (2009 to 2014) illustrates the continuing onslaught of bullets being f red, ofen in close proximity to elementary schools.

      why is baltimore so bad

    • [PDF File]Baltimore’s Streets


      Baltimore’s Streets The city’s failure to comply with a federal sewage consent decree, and ... neighborhoods, where residents filed 34 damage claims more than a year ago, all of which have been denied or ... EPA began to file lawsuits against the worst polluters, forcing municipalities to sign ...

      why is baltimore so violent

    • [PDF File]Crime in 2017: Updated Analysis


      Baltimore (11.3 percent). These increases suggest a need to better understand how and why murder is increasing in some cities. The preliminary 2017 analysis is available . here. i In addition to providing updated data from city law enforcement agencies, this report incorporates recently-released

      how bad is baltimore

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