Yah shua 577029006 i e yah shua new planets today july 27 2023

    • [PDF File]You must believe the Father is your Savior or you will die in your sins


      YAH-shua - Is a compound name which means, YAH is Salvation. When the Almighty Father came to us Himself manifested in flesh, He combined His name with His highest descriptor ever, the Hebrew word ‘shua’. ‘Shua’ means, ‘is salvation’. YAH-shua means, ‘YAH is Salvation’. This is the name above every name! (Philippians 2:9)

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      Because of this confusion, His name ‘YAH ’ is seldom, if ever used and has been replaced by the generic term ‘God’. 5. YAH YAHWEH YAHSHUA What do these names mean? YAH - is the Almighty Father's name. (Psalm 68:4; Isaiah 12:2; Revelation 19:1-6 Hallelu-YAH) YAH-weh - is the Almighty Father’s name with a ‘descriptor’ added.

    • [PDF File]Yahshua is Yahweh manifested in flesh


      YAH-shua means, YAH is Salvation! That is why the scriptures proclaim the name ‘YAH-shua’ to be the name above all names. According to scripture, there is no name higher than the name Yahshua. The following scriptures show that YAH-shua is the Almighty Father of the Old Testament manifested in flesh! The Old Testament tells us “every ...

    • [PDF File]Philip?” YAH -shua is YAH -weh


      YAH-shua is YAH-weh King David proclaims the Almighty Father’s name in Psalm 68:4 Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name YAH, And rejoice before Him. The prophet Isaiah confirms this in Isaiah 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid;‘For YAH, the LORD,

    • [PDF File]Original Name Jesus


      Name. The following names are accurate equivalents as is YaHshua and YaHushua (YaH-Shua and YaH-U-Shua)—notice they all sound very similar and nothing like the bogus name “Jesus”. The Hebrew spelling of the English Joshua confirms this and while the name Joshua is a lesser equivalent it is still a faithful attempt but the name, Jesus, is not

    • [PDF File]Paul knew Yahshua MessiYah was YAH maniifested in flesh


      YAH-shua - Is a compound name which means, YAH is Salvation. When the Almighty Father came to us Himself manifested in flesh, He combined His name with His highest descriptor ever, the Hebrew word ‘shua’. ‘Shua’ means, ‘is salvation’. YAH-shua means, ‘YAH is Salvation’. This is the name above every name! (Philippians 2:9)

    • [PDF File]A letter to all who visit this website


      King David tells us that the Almighty Father’s name is YAH (Psalm 68:4). ‘YAH-shua’ is the Almighty Father’s name, combined with His highest descriptor ‘shua’ which means, ‘is salvation’. YAH-shua means, ‘YAH is salvation’. When I talk with people about the Savior’s true Hebrew

    • [PDF File]Yah'shua - the proper name of He does, and He claimed to do the same ...


      While a mortal, Yah'shua carried the name of his step-father, Joseph, and would typically have been known as He was often referenced as "Yah'shua ben Joseph" (or "Yah'shua bar Joseph") under normal conditions, meaning Yah'shua, son of Joseph. However, His Heavenly Father was His true Father and whose Name we would therefore also expect Him to bear.

    • [PDF File]Yahshua or Yahweh


      Some argue the more correct is, YaHushua, even YaHoshua. YaH u Shua, is to say, YaH is my Savior, or, YaH is Salvation. Do you begin to see what is happening? Next you have the same thing happening with the Name of the God of the Hebrews, YHWH – YaHWeH. Remember, the “a” and the “e” is not part of the Name, but are vowels replacing the

    • [PDF File]Straight Talk #54 Witnessing to an Occultist or Witch


      4 # # # 1.)All“God”#wantstodoistokeepusfromgrowingorhaving"fun." # # 2.)TheBiblehasbeentamperedwithsomuchbyoldmonks(or councils)thatwhatitsays

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