Zantac side effects in elderly

    • [DOC File]Pharmacology Study Guide – Test 2 - Caring 4 You . Net

      Common side effects include extrapyramidal side effects, drowsiness and irritability. Maintenance treatment Some patients can be controlled on a short course medication and lifestyle modifications, but others need long-term pharmacological treatment.

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    • [DOC File]Organism - University of Kentucky

      Causes are many: motion sickness, viral & bacterial infection, food intolerance, surgery, PG, pain, shock, effects of some drugs, radiation, & disturbances of the middle ear affection equilibrium. Antiemetics can mask the cause & should not be used until cause is determined, unless vomiting is severe enough to cause dehydration & electrolyte ...

      side effects of ranitidine

    • [DOC File]Histamine - Weebly

      Table of Drug Side Effects: focuses on patients seen in the post-acute phase, i.e. in OP or HH settings, when the PT would not necessarily have the back up of nursing staff to monitor pharmacology. Generic names are in regular font; brand or trade names are in

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    • [DOC File]Drug/Application

      CNS effects are uncommon. However, in the elderly confusional of states, delirium, and slurred speech may occur. These effects are often associate with cimetidine (Tagamet) and are unusual with ranitidine (Zantac). Endocrine effects are also relatively uncommon.

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    • Zantac - How to use | Dosage | Side Effects | Pharmacybook

      Getting the Facts: Effective Communication with the Elderly. Help, Hope, and Power: Issues of Control and Power in Long-term Care ... (Zantac) Depression in Older Adults. Factors to Consider in Assessment. ... All medications have side-effects; monitoring side-effects is …

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    • [DOC File]Pharmacology

      Side Effects: GI Upset, Fluid Retention, Spotting Etidronate Bisphosphonate Osteoporosis Paget’s Disease Induce osteomalacia (stop mineralization) Inhibit resorption – bind hydroxyapatite Drug Class Use Side Effects Interactions Other Finasteride 4-aza testosterone analog Prostate Cancer

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    • [DOC File]Title: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

      Side effects of current therapy such as drowsiness, GI pain, constipation. Effectiveness of new therapy. 6. The Physician Progress notes. The physician’s assessment of the patient’s condition. The physician’s rationale for choosing a new medication. The physician’s plan for treating the patient. 7. Lab reports taken since the last review

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    • [DOC File]Geriatric Mental Health Training Series: Revised

      In elderly and pts. with COPD - max 12 mcg/ml Methylxanthine compound. ... decreases metabolism of other drugs inc. coumadin and diazepam Ranitidine (Zantac) Peptic ulcer disease. Decrease acid secretion. Stage I and II GERD H2 Blocker. Long duration of action - Lasts 12hrs No significant side effects Loperamide (Imodium AD) Diarrhea Opioid ...

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    • [DOCX File]Generic names are in regular font - University of Missouri

      Zantac, Pepcid. CONTRAINDICATIONS: very few; minimal CNS effects; h/a, lethargy, depression AE: h/a, NV, diarrhea, confusion. PPI. Mechanism of action & DE: Binds to the H+/K+ ATPase which is responsible for last step in acid secretion from parietal cells. More effective than H2 agonists in their inhibition of acid secretion

      ranitidine side effects in elderly

    • [DOC File]CHAPTER 12

      a. In addition to the usual side effects of chemotherapy the vinca alkaloids cause neurological damage. b. Constipation may be a sign of neurological damage. G. Antineoplastics affecting hormonal balance. 1. Organ specific. 2. Tamoxifen blocks form of estrogen that stimulates breast cancer . 3.

      side effects of ranitidine

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