What is an axonal neuropathy

    • Axonal neuropathy | definition of axonal neuropathy by ...

      electrodiagnostic evidence of wallerian degeneration (i.e. axonal neuropathy) Mononeuropathy multiplex (MM) - simultaneous or sequential focal involvement of ≥ 2 major named nerves in ≥ 2 limbs (i.e. nerves from individual noncontiguous nerve trunks).

      what is axonal sensory polyneuropathy

    • [DOCX File]Viktor's Notes – Hereditary Neuropathies


      axonal degeneration – distal sensory loss, loss of ankle tendon reflexes, distal weakness. sensory. component suffers most; toxins that produce predominantly . motor. neuropathy: lead. n-hexane (glue sniffer's neuropathy) tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate (”ginger jake”) - adulterant in illegal liquor (moonshine) dapsone (leprosy treatment) with ...

      axonal neuropathy definition

    • [DOCX File]Viktor's Notes – Peripheral Neuropathies (general)


      Giant Axonal Neuropathy - disorder of neurofilament synthesis or organization. autosomal recessive. inheritance, but high proportion of spontaneous cases. pathology – intermediate (10 nm) filament masses in variety of cell types. onset in early childhood (1st decade):

      motor axonal neuropathy

    • [DOC File]Neurology: Genetics


      Giant Axonal Neuropathy. Pediatrics 1972;49:894. (2) Carpenter S, Karpati G, Andaermann F, et al. Giant Axonal Neuropathy: A clinically and morphologically distinct neurological disease.

      acute motor sensory axonal neuropathy

    • [DOCX File]mums.ac.ir


      acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy - both . ventral. and . dorsal. roots. in surviving axons, macrophages are present within periaxonal spaces, surrounding compressed but otherwise normal-appearing, axons. some sparse demyelination also occurs. Epidemiology. AIDP.

      what is axonal peripheral neuropathy

    • [DOCX File]Viktor's Notes – Various Neuropathies


      axonal. neuropathy with some segmental . demyelination. Diabetic neuropathy with marked loss of myelinated fibers, thinly myelinated fiber, and thickening of endoneurial vessel wall ... clinical picture is not distinguishable from other forms of distal neuropathy (e.g. alcohol, heavy metal, uremia, amyloidosis) - ...

      axonal sensorimotor neuropathy causes

    • [DOCX File]Title


      Apr 14, 2015 · Axonal neuropathy affecting large MF IV-8 41 - UL pain, LL muscle cramps Age 44: Mild distal UL and LL atrophy. - LL Age 43: CMT2 type sensorimotor axonal neuropathy (SNAP 4 µV) 2-3x Mild local edema (GACN, soleus, FHL) ND ND III-8 56 67, STCA Muscle weakness Age 61: LL muscle weakness and mild loss of vibration and cold sense in distal LL ...

      sensory motor axonal neuropathy

    • [DOCX File]Viktor's Notes – PNS Demyelination


      acute pandysautonomia, acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN), and acute motor and sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN)) Severe GBS with significant weakness such as inability to stand or walk without aid, respiratory or bulbar weakness, or Miller-Fisher syndrome (MFS); and . The disorder has been diagnosed during the first 2 weeks of the illness; and

      axonal neuropathy prognosis

    • Axonal neuropathy - Definition

      neuropathy [nooÍ¡-rop´ah-the] any of numerous functional disturbances and pathologic changes in the peripheral nervous system. The etiology may be known (e.g., arsenical, diabetic, ischemic, or traumatic neuropathy) or unknown. encephalopathy and myelopathy are corresponding terms relating to involvement of the brain and spinal cord. The term is also ...

      what is axonal sensory polyneuropathy

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