5 divided by 3 1 3

    • What is 534 divided by 3?

      We know that if the sum of the numbers that make up 534 is divisible by 3, then 534 is divisible by 3. Since the sum of the digits in 534 is divisible by 3, 534 is also divisible by 3. Thus, the answer to the question "Is 534 divisible by 3?" is as follows: Note: If you divide 534 by 3, you get 178 which is a whole number.

    • Can 585 be divided by 3?

      We know that if the sum of the numbers that make up 585 is divisible by 3, then 585 is divisible by 3. Since the sum of the digits in 585 is divisible by 3, 585 is also divisible by 3. Thus, the answer to the question "Is 585 divisible by 3?" is as follows: Note: If you divide 585 by 3, you get 195 which is a whole number.

    • Can 3 5 be simplified?

      When it comes to 3/5 in lowest term, it can be written in three ways: 3/5 (proper fraction as numerator smaller than denominator) What is 3/12 in the lowest terms? 3/12 in the lowest form expressed as 1/4. You can also add 3/12 into the online simplify fractions calculator to get it in the lowest terms.

    • [PDF File]Dividing a Fraction by a Whole Number - Education Technology


      To divide any fraction by a whole number, divide the unit fraction by the whole number and multiply the result by the numerator of the 2 fraction (i.e., to divide by 4, 3 1 consider divided into 4 parts so 3 1 2

    • [PDF File]MTH 310: HW 1 - Solutions - Michigan State University


      Therefore, the possible values of d are 1;2;3;6. For example, the gcd of (5;11) = 1, (8;14) = 2, (9;15) = 3, and (6;12) = 6. 6.Prove that if k is a positive odd integers, then any sum of k consecutive integers is divisible by k. Solution. Let n 2Z and de ne S to be the sum of k consecutive integers starting from n+ 1, that is, S = Xk j=1

    • [PDF File]Models for Dividing Fractions - Montgomery County Public Schools


      Assist students with drawing visual representations. For example, draw a circle and determine the number of quarter-hours in one hour (May have to relate to money or other measurements.) Answers: 1. Twelve quarter-hours in three hours 2. Six thirds of a cup in two cups 3. Ten half-meters in five meters 4.

    • [PDF File]Integrated Algebra A - Lancaster High School


      The sum of a number and 5, divided by 3 _____ B. Translate these equations. 1. If two-thirds of a number is diminished _____ by 8, the result is 32. 2. 10 times a ...

    • [PDF File]I SOLVING PROBLEMS BY DIAGRAM - UW Faculty Web Server


      c a c b d b d--NOT!!! Notice that as the ways of dividing up the cake get more complicated, saying WHY the shaded area represents the fractional part ("1/2 of the cake" or "1/3 of the cake") becomes more and more difficult.

    • [PDF File]Division by fractions (I)


      1. 8 divided by one half. 2. 5 divided by one third. 3. 4 divided by two sevenths. 5. 26 divided by four halves. 6. 1 divided by one nineteenth. 7. 4 divided by one fourth. 8. 9 divided by one half. 9. 8 divided by two fifths. 11. 3 divided by 3 tenths.

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