Cognitive dissonance definition

    • [PDF File]Cognitive Dissonance and Its Impact On Consumer Buying …

      „cognitive dissonance‟ implies, as well as an emotional dimension, as many definitions, including Festinger‟s original definition, imply‟. A social psychologist describes cognitive dissonance as a psychological phenomenon that occurs when

    • [PDF File]Explaining Preferences from Behavior: A Cognitive Dissonance …

      Explaining Preferences from Behavior: A Cognitive Dissonance Approach Avidit Acharya, Stanford University Matthew Blackwell, Harvard University Maya Sen, Harvard University The standard approach in positive political theory posits that action choices are the consequences of preferences. Social psychology—in particular, cognitive dissonance theory—suggests the opposite: preferences may …

    • [PDF File]From IT Addiction to Discontinued Use: A Cognitive Dissonance …

      moderation effects of cognitive dissonance on relation between IT addiction, guilt feeling, self-efficacy, and discontinued use intention in the context of SNS use. 3. Cognitive dissonance theory Proposed by Festinger [14], cognitive dissonance refers to a psychological state of tension or discomfort

    • [PDF File]The theory of cognitive dissonance - Adam Kowol

      cognitive dissonance: (1) altering the importance of the issue or the elements involved, (2) changing one or more of the cognitive elements, (3) adding new elements to one side of the tension or the other, (4) seeking consonant information, and (5) distorting or misinterpreting

    • Cognitive Dissonance and Its Effects on Religious Beliefs

      Cognitive dissonance affects Christian college students’ beliefs about a specific religious practice—speaking in tongues. A four-group between-subjects experimental design was utilized. A news story that objectively examined brain activity of those who speak in tongues was presented to a sample of Christian undergraduate students ranging in their beliefs about the issue of speaking in tongues. …

    • [PDF File]Explaining Attitudes from Behavior: A Cognitive Dissonance …

      Explaining Attitudes from Behavior: ... According to cognitive dissonance theory,an individual experiences a mental discomfort after taking an action that seems to be in conflict with his or her starting attitude.Individuals then change their attitudes to conform more closely with their actions,leading to an important source of attitude formation and change. As we argue in this paper, this approach can be …

    • [PDF File]Cognitive Dissonance: Neural Correlates and New Theoretical …

      Cognitive Dissonance: Neural Correlates and New Theoretical Approaches Submitted by Nathalie Hallin to the University of Skövde as a final year project towards the degree of B.Sc. in the School of Humanities and Informatics. The project has been supervised by Judith Annett. 2012-06-07

    • [PDF File]A Self-Standards Model of Cognitive Dissonance

      as the Self-standards Model of Cognitive Dissonance.1 The Self-standards Model (SSM) maintains that the role of self-relevant thought described by the various perspec-tives on dissonance is a function of the accessibility of different types of self-attributes. Most important for under-standing the differences between the competing viewpoints

    • [PDF File]The Origins of Cognitive Dissonance - Yale University

      The Origins of Cognitive Dissonance Evidence From Childre n and Monkeys Louisa C. Egan, Laurie R. Santos, and Paul Bloom Yale University ABSTRACT Ñ In a study explo ring the orig ins of cogni tive diss onance, presc hoole rs and capu chins were give n a choic e betw een two equa lly prefe rred alte rnatives (two

    • [PDF File]The Impact on Consumer Buying Behaviour: Cognitive Dissonance

      The Impact on Consumer Buying Behaviour: Cognitive Dissonance 837 2.2 Foundations of Dissonance Theory The theory of cognitive dissonance is elegantly simple: it states that inconsistency between two cognitions creates an aversive state akin to hunger or thirst that gives rise to a motivation to reduce the inconsistency. According to Leon ...

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