Grants for educational programs

    • [DOC File]The Grants Program at the Virginia Foundation for the ...

      Grants to Local Educational Agencies to. Strengthen Education, Drive Reform, and Improve Results for Students. U.S. Department of Education. Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. September 2, 2009 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) (P.L. 111-5) Using Title I, Part A ARRA Funds for Grants to Local Educational ...

      grant opportunities for schools

    • Grants & Scholarships

      EDUCATIONAL GRANTS . SCOPE: To determine the selection criteria and method for the provision of educational grants for NACAS East members. In order to promote professional development, encourage participation in NACAS regional and national conferences and educational programs, and financially assist member institutions, NACAS East has established annual grants for its educational programs.

      grants for teachers


      education programs United States of America The National Endowment for the Humanities Division of Education Programs provides grants to schools, colleges, universities, libraries, museums and other cultural institutions to improve formal humanities education in the United States from kindergarten through college and university.

      us dept of education grants

    • [DOC File]Using Title I, Part A ARRA Funds for Grants to Local ...

      Texas Public Education Grants/Loan Program . 2. Rule and Regulation. Sec. 1 Establishment of Percentage. The Board of Regents authorizes each degree-granting institution to set aside from the percentage specified by the General Appropriations Act for the applicable academic year as provided by Section 56.033(a)(2) of the Texas Education Code from each resident student’s tuition charge and 3% ...

      department of education grant


      EDUCATION GRANTS . SCOPE: To determine the selection criteria and method for the provision of education grants for NACAS East members. NACAS East has established annual grants for its educational programs and the CASP exam in order to promote professional development, encourage participation in NACAS regional and national conferences and educational programs, and financially …

      grants for school programs

    • [DOC File]EDUCATION PROGRAMS - Organization of American States

      grants—of up to $3,000—at any time during the year. These grants may be used to plan larger projects, or. to carry out programs where only a modest amount. of funding is required. For Discretionary Grants, funding decisions are normally made within four weeks . following our receipt of the proposal. Applicants should contact VFH staff in ...

      government grants for education

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