Patient teaching for mrsa

    • [DOC File]Primary Care Patient Education Booklet

      Educating staff, patients, and visitors about MRSA and how it is transmitted. Identifying MRSA carriers by swabbing the nostrils (or noses) of all in-patients. Placing patients with MRSA in isolation. Emphasizing the importance of washing hands frequently. MRSA prevention requires the cooperation of patients, families, and health care providers.

      mrsa education sheet for patients

    • [DOC File]National Ethics Teleconference - MRSA Initiative: Ethical ...

      Nov 12, 2007 · Although we agree that the patient should be educated about the public health benefits of MRSA screening, we believe that the informed consent discussion of risks and benefits for a particular patient should focus primarily on risks and benefits to that patient.

      mrsa patient education handout


      The risk of this is relatively high: studies have shown that MRSA is transmitted from infected patients to the gloves of healthcare workers in approximately 17% of all contacts.45 Even in relatively “clean” patient care contact situations, MRSA can easily colonize the skin, gloves, or …

      mrsa patient teaching handout

    • [DOC File]Understanding MRSA - A Guide for Patients and Families

      Title: Understanding MRSA - A Guide for Patients and Families Subject: This patient information sheet covers information about MRSA Author: Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration Deputy Under Secretary for Operations and Management Veterans Integrated Network Office 8 North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System (enter Service here) Medical Service Infectious ...

      positive mrsa swab patient education

    • [DOC File]Infection Control Patient Tracer

      How are patients and visitors educated about isolation? By nsg & MD, Carenotes, IP nurse if needed What patient teaching needs to be documented? Hand hygiene, correct use of PPE, infection specific, preventing device infections (foley, IV etc) What did you do …

      mrsa fact sheet for patients


      Examples of diseases requiring Contact Precautions are multiple resistant organisms, i.e., MRSA (colonize or infected), VRE, non-contained large draining wounds, lice, scabies. Requirements include private room when indicated, gloves when entering the room, gowns and masks for direct patient care

      mrsa patient education pdf

    • [DOC File]A Parent's Guide to MRSA in California - Health Services ...

      Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a type of staph that is not killed by penicillin and similar antibiotics. About 1 out of every 100 people carries MRSA without making them sick. In California over half of all the staph infections are caused by MRSA. MRSA infections do not look any different than those caused by ordinary staph.

      mrsa printable information

    • [DOC File]ViaHealth Home Care Infection Report

      Patient/Family teaching (Specify what was taught): Reported By (Please Print) : Date: Ext. AGENCY NAME Patient Infection Report. RESISTANT ORGANISMS: MRSA (Methycillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) VRE (Vancomycin Resistant E. Coli) ORSA (Oxycillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) OTHERS (Please specify organism on front) ...

      mrsa patient handout

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